verse of the day

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Creations voice. [ Psalm 19 ]

I wish I could see more stars in the sky but living in a town with its natural light ,one can see very few stars. In Psalm 19 we read that ,/ The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth His handywork/, this Psalm tells us that the natural creation is Gods voice to mankind, one writer,H Lockyer,writes,/ We learn from David that God has two sorts of books- The book of His creations , a commonplace book for all to read, 19 v16.The other volume is scripture 19v7-8/.Evolution seeks to undermine the first book, and many blindly embrace this error ,and in so doing silence the voice of God. Today God is speaking to all mankind through His creation, so as Paul writes ,/They are without excuse/. [Romans 1 v20 ]/As we look at creation let us praise God, and pray that people will hear Him speaking to them, and might begin to seek Him.[ Dear God I thank You for Your creation, help me to hold fast to the truth of creation, and to proclaim it, in Jesus name, Amen ]

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