verse of the day

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Our most precioue possession. [ Mark 8 v34-38]

I wonder what you consider your most precious possession? well I believe the most precious possession we have is our soul. Consider what Jesus said,/ For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul [Mark 8 v36].Imagine ,if it was possible for you or I, to possess all the gold,silver,diamonds, money,oil, food etc, to be wealthier than Bill Gates, to see winnning the lottery as chicken feed. to be sitting on this mountain of possession, you have it all,you have your dream house, your dream wife / husband, you can satisfy every whim, and fancy. Jesus said if you have all that, and you lose your soul,its of no value because your soul is the most precious thing you possess, to lose it, means an eternity in Hell, to be shut out fr0m the presence of God, to be in that place where there is no reprieve, no early release.What we need if our soul is going to be saved and not lost is first of all to recognise our great need of Jesus ,to embrace Him as Saviour , to value Him more than anything else .[ Dear Lord Jesus forgive my blindness in not valuing my soul, as you value it,I ask that You would save my never dying soul Amen ]

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