verse of the day

Wednesday 30 September 2020

An old Ford car. ( Revelation 21 v 1 - 8)

 Many years ago we used to sing a little song which has about 28 verses in it, the first verse goes,'Oh, you can't get to heaven in an old Ford car,Cause an old Ford car won't get that far'.Don't be worried I'm , not going to repeat any more,it is just a silly little song,sung by young people,like the scouts,around the camp fire.But the question you may be asking, how does one get to heaven?,  one will not find the answer on your sat nav. Go to the schools of the philosophers ,and they will not be able to tell you,when one thinks about it ,it is the most important question one can ask,because the alternative is very ,very serious.That other place starts with an H, that place some so called Christian ministers refuse to mention,  this reminds me of the wicked Voldemort from Harry Potter,'He -Who- Must- Not -be- Named,he was considered to dangerous to even mention his name.Likewise the doctrine of Hell that so many will not mention ,but it must be mentioned,it is the solemn duty of every Christian minister to speak forth,the truth,the whole truth.  In Hebrews 13 v 17 ,we are told, that they will have to give an account to God,just a reminder that being a minister carries with it ,a grave responsibility..Likewise we are all to take serious,that there is a hell,awaiting those,who reject the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.We will look further at this tomorrow,and find out clearly, how we can get to heaven.. 

Tuesday 29 September 2020

But you love me daddy. ( 1 John 3 v 1 )

Jim Reeves used to sing a song,along with a little boy,( Words by Kathryn Twitty ) all the verses had the same theme,the father would tell the boy off,and the boy would reply ,'But you love me daddy'.I am a Christian a long time,I should be perfect,if only,I still blow it,but this is a wonderful thing, he still loves me.Yet  we must never think that  because  he loves us, we can do what is wrong,and say,ah well, God loves me,that's alright,its not. God our loving heavenly will soon let you know that it is not alright, we cant just say,'but you love me daddy',of course he does,but whom the loves he chastises ( Hebrews 12  v 5 - 6 ) It is truly  wonderful to  know that God loves us,the little chorus comes to mind,'Wide,wide as the ocean,high as the heavens above,Deep deep as the deepest sea is my Savior's love,I though unworthy,still am a child of His care,For His word teaches me, that His love reaches me everywhere.'

Monday 28 September 2020

God's unexpected ways. ( Jeremiah 32 v 17 )

 In 2 Kings 4 we read of a woman who was in dire straits,her husband had died,that was bad enough,but she had nothing to live on, she was also in debt. The debt had to be paid,one way or the other,so the creditors were coming to take her two sons,who would become their slaves.Her situation was desperate,  she was in danger of losing everything,what could she do?.We are inclined to judge people who get into debt, people now days, get into debt to buy a car,furniture,but this lady more than likely borrowed money to survive.A dark,dark cloud hung over her. So this dear lady went to the prophet Elisha,God's representative, and asked him for help,let us remember that like Elisha,we are God's representatives.Let us remember we are not saved by works,but we are called to help those in need,not just to stand in judgement on them.So what did the prophet do ?,he questioned her as to what she had in her home?,all she had was a  small jar of oil.He told her to borrow as many containers as possible,remember God can use the little we have. The containers were taken into her home,she was to shut the door,and pour the oil into them, in the  first miracle Jesus performed,Mary told those at the wedding ,to do whatever he tells them,the result ,water was turned into wine.Now a little oil would multiply and fill many containers.The oil was then sold and the dear ladies need was met,The word of God assures us that he will meet our needs (Phil 4 v 19 ),even in an unexpected way.

Sunday 27 September 2020

Equality ( Galatians 3 v 26 - 28 )

 She said it was the culture,these were the words the young  Hindu girl spoke,when I spoke about the cast system in India,that's like putting the cart before  the horse.The cast system is part of the Hindu religion ,within that system there are 5 levels ,the 5th level is were we have the untouchables,these people live with discrimination of the most serious type,that includes  little children,to say the least it is absolutely awful. Any system or religion that gives credence to discrimination, and treating people as if they are inferior ,must be seen as wrong.In some Islamic women are despised,and if one is a Christian woman ,you are doubly despised.And so we could on highlighting humanities sinful tendencies towards others ,they think are inferior.The Christian Church have not not always manifested what Gods word teaches,it is clear that in the word of God,  when God created humanity,he did not create one inferior to another..But what it does tell us that we are all sinners,but when we trust Christ as our Saviour,we all become Children of God, and that God has no favourites,and no one is considered inferior ,and all are equally loved.

Saturday 26 September 2020

Tempting God. ( Matthew 4 v 5 - 7 )

 The question one may be asking ,how does one act during this pandemic,so I looked on the internet and read what Martin Luther had to say.He wrote about people who acted rashly,and recklessly,at a time of a plague.How they tempted God, refused to take any precautions ,they did not avoid places and people infected by the plague.They would have said they were trusting God,but Luther said,'that they were not trusting God ,but tempting Him.' Luther himself did not flee the plague,feeling he should stay and minister to the sick and needy,he took precaution not to put himself in danger,praying God's protection,he was aware that he might die.He said if my neighbour needed me, I shall not avoid place or person ,but will go freely to help them. He commented,''See, this is  neither brash or foolhardy, and does not tempt God'' Many years ago a group of Christians refused to have their children  immunize ,trusting  God to keep them safe,the result was ,children died,these people were sincere ,but they were sincerely wrong,and in real sense they were tempting God,by not availing themselves to the means that God had provided to keep their children safe.

Friday 25 September 2020

613 Laws ( Galatians 3 v 7 - 14 )

On the Jewish Sabbath or holy day, certain food is eaten,bread that is in the shape of a circle ,symbolising  the circle of life,and the end of the year.There might also be a pomegranate on the table, because there is a tradition that they contain 613 seeds. These represent one for each of the commandments a Jewish person is supposed to keep.There are many laws relating to the Sabbath,also the food laws,and other laws,the Jewish religion is a religion of laws,indeed most religions are governed by laws,the cults are the same.In  Deuteronomy 27 v 26 / 28 v 15.  we read that a curse would fall upon those who disobeyed,these commandments. The apostle James reminds us ,that', whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of  breaking all of it (James 2 v 10) When we read in Romans 3 v 23,that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,,it is stressing ,that no one can keep the law, and in fact all have broken it.So that leaves us all under a curse,that means that we are all  standing under judgement, before a holy God, so how can we be saved?.God's answer,and only God's answer can suffice,what is God's answer? Christ Jesus,that was his sole purpose in coming into this world,on the  cross .he would die ,the just one,for the unjust . In Galatians 3 v 13 we read,'Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by   becoming a curse for us'.So when we trust Christ to be our Saviour,the curse is removed from us,we are no longer under God's judgement and wrath,and we can sing, 'O happy day ,that fixed my choice,on Thee, my Saviour and my God' (Words by Philip Doddridge)

Thursday 24 September 2020

Leaving a Legacy. ( Revelation 14 v 13 )

 When Angola received its independence, a civil war broke out,which lasted on and off for 27 years,the suffering was immense over 500,000 people died,one of the legacies of that conflict is that of  land-mines,about 1,000,000,about a 100,000 have been dealt with. What a terrible legacy,war leaves,as an Ulster man I know only to well the legacy left by the battle of the Boyne in 1690.There will come when you and I will die,what sort of legacy will we leave?.You may not have heard of Stuart King,he died recently aged 98,he was the founder of the,'  Missionary Aviation Fellowship'. a wonderful organization.They work around the world with many humanitarian organisations,helping so many needy people, it also promotes the gospel.  What a wonderful legacy,started by that one man,which many hungry ,sick poor people ,will thank God for.Now let us return to ourselves ,what sort of legacy will we leave,how many poor people have we helped?how many people have we pointed to Christ?.Remember we are not Stuart King,but we can leave   a legacy,that will   touch others even after we die,a legacy of love,of faithfulness,of holiness,of kindness.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

My world ( Hebrews 11 v 24 - 26 )

He came from a rich family,he excelled in his studies,his father was so proud of his son,and this is what he said,''Son the world is your oyster''.This saying means 'You can achieve anything you wish in your life and go anywhere you want.The world is there for the taking ,that saying was first penned by the one and only William Shakespeare.What  is your world ?,on holiday recently I spoke to a number of people and their world is fishing.Fishing, it can be sport,art,family stamp collecting,sex,drugs,gambling,what is your world? It was Alexander the great who said,no more worlds to conqueror, it reminds me of a title of a movie,'This world is not enough'.God made us for a greater purpose,that is to glorify Him ,if we choose anything less than that ,we are missing the mark,and will be losers, not just in time but for eternity  Eric Liddell,said this,''Many are missing something in life,because they are after the second best''.I see so many wasted lives,and I say to myself ,if only they knew my Saviour If you are a Christian,enjoy your fishing or whatever,but don't let it become your world let your Saviour become your world.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Don't be fooled ( Exodus 20 v 1 - 6 )

The  rooster was a proud animal ,when I crow, he said , the sun comes up,all the animals believed him,for it appeared to them ,that this  was true,for as the rooster said,,every time the he crowed the sun came up. So the rooster became a creature to be feared,and even to be worshipped,and so the rooster exercised great power,and he began to believe that he was god.He started to bring in rules and regulations,some were very oppressive,he also did not like the pigs,so he started a hate campaign against them.So the animals joined in ,the horse would kick the pigs,and the cows would poke them with their horns,cruelty became the order of the day.There was only one thing to do  said the rooster ,we must find a way of getting rid of those filthy animals,so things became worse and worse,for the poor pigs.Then it happened,the rooster,who had been up the night before,partying fell ill,and could not get up out of his bed. Now this caused the animals to panic,the sun is not going to come up,but to their relief it did,and then it happened,the rooster died,but the sun kept coming up everyday,and then the penny dropped,and gradually the animals realised that the rooster was not a god,he was but a rooster. Let us remember, none of us are god's,and that there is only one God,and He alone is to be worshipped and obeyed.

Monday 21 September 2020

Death shall die ( 1 Corinthians 15 )

 John Dunne was born in the 16th century during the reign of Queen Elizabeth,in his latter years he became dean of St. Paul's,he is remembered as being a poet of note,he wrote those words,'No man is an Island'.I happened upon a verse of another poem he wrote,the poem it is called,'Death be not proud', Bear with the English,the punch line at the end is wonderful,  'Death, be not proud though some have called thee,mighty and dreadful,for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow,die not,poor Death; nor yet canst thou kill me. From  rest and sleep, which but thou pictures be, Much pleasure,then from thee much more must flow;And soonest our best men with thee do go -  Rest of their bones and souls' delivery. Thou'rt slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,And dost with poison,  war, and sickness dwell, And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well ,And better than thy stroke. Why swell'st thou then? One short sleep past, we  wake eternally;And  Death shalt be no more, Death thou shalt die.' In Revelation  20 v 14,we read,'Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire.'

Sunday 20 September 2020

Truth Unchanging ( 3 John v 4 )

We have been considering Hebrews 13 v 8 .'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever',P'E.Hughes writes,'If Jesus Christ is unchanging, so also is the truth concerning him, with the consequence that there can be no place for differing and discordant doctrines.In Christ we have the completion as well as the source of faith.' There are  things, as Christians , we will differ on,secondary things,but there are truths,doctrines that we are expected to hold fast to.Truth is of the utmost importance,the belief in the Trinity, that God is one God, but three coeternal consubstantial persons,the Father,the Son( Jesus Christ)and the Holy Spirit- as 'one God in three Divine persons' The incarnation of Jesus, ,one who was truly man and truly God,his sinlessness, his death on the cross as a sacrifice for sin,his bodily  resurrection,and his ascension to heaven and his return to judge the quick and the dead..We could also mention hell,and that all who have not had their sins forgiven, by trusting in Christ,will be condemned to that awful place for eternity.There are many other truths I could mention,and in my daily notes I do write on them,we must hold fast to God's truths,they are unchanging,beware of ignoring this.( Revelation 22 v 18 - 20 )

Saturday 19 September 2020

He never changes. ( Malachi 3 v 6 )

 Let us continue on about change, in Hebrews 13 v 8,we read,' Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever'.Unlike us, Jesus did not have a fallen nature,he was sinless.That qualified him to become our Saviour, P.E.Hughes writes that in Hebrews 13 v 8,we see the unfailing reliability of him who is our Saviour.These words were written about 2000 years ago,but they are telling us that here and now in 2020, our Saviour has not changed. There is a song ,sung by the great Nat King Cole,call ,'When I fall in love', and  it goes unto read,'it will be forever',when most people get married, that's what they want,but as the song goes unto say,that for many ,'love ends before its begins,and that to many moonlight kisses ,seem to cool in the warmth of the sun'.The unchanging Christ ,loves  his children with a love that will never change.Also he will always help us, that will never change. When we are told that Jesus does not change, we are being told that he is divine,he is God,it is  called immutability,and that this can be only said of God. So we worship Him who is our wonderful Saviour,and rejoice in his unchangeableness.

Friday 18 September 2020

Change ( 1 Corinthians 6 v 9 - 11 )

 I remember when I was young my uncle asked this question,'What is everything doing?' I said growing old'.I wonder is everything changing?,I know I am,change is part of life, for all creatures ,life changes ,society changes.The industrial revolution changed human history,but there is something about humanity that does not change, his fallen nature.No matter how educated and civilised we become,that fallen nature will still manifest itself . One of the most civilised countries in the world was Germany,the home of the reformation,and yet in the 20th century ,an evil arose in the nature of a political group,that would commit unbelievable evil,and many other Eastern European countries joined in.We are sometimes lulled into a belief that humanity is moving upward and onward,but we are not,,we have not changed in our ability to sin.Why am I  always stressing our sinfulness? ,because it is a fact,the bible does not lie, when it tells us that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.The beast within has not changed,and will not,unless one comes to know Jesus as their Saviour.In 2 Corinthians 5 v 17 we read, 'Therefore,if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation,old things passed away,and look,new things have come'. He can change you, and it will be for the better.

Thursday 17 September 2020

Mistakes ( Luke 15 v 27 )

 We all make mistakes,with different consequences,I feel sorry for goal keepers, his task is to keep the ball out,but if he makes a couple of mistakes,in the supporters eyes, he turns from being the best keeper in the world,to someone who needs to be replaced. Sorry if you are not a football fan,I am,and unlike many ,who are crying,' off with his head', I sympathize with long as he does not make to many more,that's the way  we football supporters are. I am a preacher, but sometime I used to minister in song,but I used to make mistakes forgot the words,forgot the tune,just sometimes.I was watching two musicians playing a  trumpet duet and suddenly they stopped,they had made a mistake,one pointed out were they had gone wrong,and then started playing again.That is what you do when one makes mistakes, you carry on,you don't give up,I did not give up singing, I carried on.In relationships we are bound to make mistakes,we act wrongly and hurt people,I have done it,that can be remedied, if we are humble enough to go and admit our mistake and say sorry.Sad to say many dear people are being conned out of their money by evil people, mistakenly they fall for their  deceitful ways.The result is they cant forgive themselves, bring them to God and ask God to give you peace. Remember the biggest mistake anyone can make is to live in their sin, but even that ,God will forgive, if they turn to Jesus. 

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Alone ( Hebrews 4 v 14 - 16 )

 We live in an overcrowded world, you would not think that loneliness would  be a problem ,but it is,and it is becoming a bigger problem,during this pandemic. What's the answer?,many years ago if my memory  serves me right ,there was a cigarette advert, which went, 'Don't be alone out there have',and it  mentioned the name of  the cigarette.Of course many people who smoke do get comfort from the Nicotine found in the tobacco plant,and it is a stimulant.But cigarettes are not the answer,in fact it is not the answer for anything.I must admit I have often felt lonely in my life, not so much now. We should not be surprised at feelings of loneliness,for many it has to be borne,getting married can be a help ,for God saw that it was not good for man to be alone ,so he created Eve, for Adam,/.Genesis 2 v 18 /I believe there is someone who really knows about loneliness, I want to take you to the cross,on that cross  there is a man hanging there,suffering dreadfully,suffering for our sins,that we may not suffer.He was truly human but he was also divine,he is called the Son of God,his name is Jesus.There came a point in his  suffering when he cries out,'My God,my God, why have you forsaken  me'/Matthew 27 v 46 /.In those words we see an aspect of his  suffering ,were he  felt utterly alone.He knows more than any one else, how the lonely feel,so go to him,if your are not a Christian go to  him,if you are a Christian go also to him, for no one understands like Jesus, He can meet your need.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Perseverance .( Nehemiah 6 )

Perseverance is vital for the child of God,this is the second attempt at writing this message,the first one suddenly disappeared,I must have pressed something. William Carey was a  man who didn't give up,he was a missionary to India, he accomplished so much for God.His translating of Gods word into different languages was wonderful.At one time when he had nearly completed one translation, a fire broke destroying what he had done, so he  started over again.At times he faced discouragements and frustrations, disappointments and loneliness,but he persevered, he didn't give up.He believed he was doing the will of God,and that the sovereign God would help him.His motto was ,'Expect great things from  God, attempt   great things for God'. At a time of  great discouragement he wrote,'Well I have God,and his word is sure'.It is profitable to read the lives of such people ,they can challenge us,but you must be your own man, you and I are not William Carey,as for myself I have a few talents ,he had ten,but whatever talents we have let us use them to the glory of our God.and Saviour.

Monday 14 September 2020

I wish. ( Matthew 5 v 5 )

 A lady whom I know visited a lady aged 90,for years,these visits went fine,there was no discord,until one day she called and received no answer,a next door neighbour thought she may be in the garden,but no she wasn't there. As the lady turned to go home ,she noticed the lady,at the window. When she arrived home she sent the old lady an email,saying she missed her,but she would make up for it ,next time,The old lady replied in a very unpleasant manner,telling her not to visit anymore,the lady felt hurt and upset,she could have been angry, but she didn't,she sent her another email wishing her well and assuring her that she would visit her in the future,if she wanted her to visit. It is so easy to react in anger,when those we are trying to help,  turn on us for no apparent reason. Our Saviour went about doing good ( Acts 10 v 38 ) in spite of the fact that people were ungrateful ( Luke 17 v 11 ff ), in spite of the fact that he was hated,with a murderous hatred.the good that he did ,meant nothing to them. In 1 Peter 2  v  23,we read,'When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly'. I wish I was more like my Saviour and that lady who responded in a Christ like manner.

Sunday 13 September 2020

And then?. ( Hebrews 9 v 27 )

 There was a conversation between a young and ambitious lad and an older man who knew life.'' I will'', said the young man,''learn my trade'',''And then''? said the older man, '' I will set up in business,'' ''And then? ''    ''I will make my fortune'', ''And then ?'' ''I suppose I shall grow old and retire and live on my money,'' ''And then?''  ''Well, I suppose that some day I will die''.  ''And then''. In these days we cannot escape  what many people never speak about, that is death,like that young man, many do not give any consideration to that last,''What then?''.It is important that we gave serious thought to this most important question ,as to where are we going to spend eternity. We are fools if we ignore this reality,will it be heaven or will it be hell ?,ask yourself  this question, where am I going to spend eternity?. Listen, this will not go away,it is appointed unto men once to die,and it does not stop there, for we read,'and after that  to face judgement.'  ( Hebrews 9 v 27 ) Why did Jesus die on the cross? he died on the cross as a sacrifice for sin,on that cross he experienced the wrath of God,so that you and I may be saved from it. Horatius Bonar wrote,'Upon a life I did not live,upon a death I did not die. Another's life,another's death ,I stake my whole eternity'. He is answer to that last ,'What then.?''

Saturday 12 September 2020

Gratitude . ( 1 Thessalonians 5 v 16 - 18 )

 P.E,Hughes commenting on Hebrews 12 v 28, which begins,'Therefore let us be grateful','Ingratitude lies at the very root of all sin and rebellion against God. and he points us to Romans 1 v 21 ,which reads,'For though they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor give thanks to Him'.No matter how much people are blessed by God most of them never offer a word of thanks ,to the giving God. I never see anyone unsaved saying grace,or singing God's praise,if God gets a mention it is usually when  they .blaspheme. But if we are a child of God ,and Christ is our Saviour,we have good reason to be grateful ,for that very fact. I know many Christians in this world are having it hard,persecution, poverty,painful illnesses. The challenge for all who call themselves Christians is to remember, that we are blessed beyond measure ,we are loved, more than we could ever realise . Consider the apostle Paul, there was a man who suffered so much,and after experiencing a flogging and being cast into a prison with his friend Silas they sang hymns and prayed Acts 16 v 25. Let us not be a moaning Minnie Christian, in other words a complainer and one who is never satisfied . My son Brian said the following  ,in Romans 12 v 2,we are exhorted to,'  not be conformed to the pattern of this world.  The pattern of this world is based on what they don't have,I need this and I need that, the anti dope to consumerism is gratitude to God.'

Friday 11 September 2020

Whose is in Charge? ( Isa 64 v 8 / Mal 3 v 3/ Num 23 v 19 )

 Do you ever ask the question, whose in charge?,whose in charge in your home? ,people often say this when they have a complaint,and when things go wrong they want to know who is in charge. President Truman had a motto on his desk which read,'The Buck Stops Here',for the President is supposed to be in charge, well that may be true,but in spite of his great powers,there is only so much, he or any government can do.Where does God fit into everything, if we lean upon our own understanding,we may give in to unbelief and a spirit of cynicism take hold of us.We will never fully understand the truth,that God is sovereign,that He rules over all  the affairs of life,looking back over the wreckage of history,we may say how can it be possible,that he rules.?.Well the fact is, if  He does not rule then he is not God.In the midst of the ruins of Jerusalem ,Jeremiah declared ,'The Lord has done what He planned' (Lamentations 2 v 17 ),yes God has a plan for this world ,and for you and me, and it will be fulfilled,nothing can stop God's purposes.In Philippians 1 v 6, Paul reassure the Christians that God is doing a wonderful thing in their lives ,'that He (God) who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ'.A. Motyer, writes , 'God  rules. The pressures of life are in the hands of the Potter who is also our Father; the fires of life are those of the refiner. He does not abandon the perfecting process to others; nor is he ever; in his sovereign  greatness , knocked off course  by the malpractice of evil men or by the weakness of good men. 'God is not a man, that he    should lie, or a son of man,that he should repent. Has he said,and will he not do it?.Or has he spoken, and will he not do it'.  He will do what he says, because he is in charge.

Thursday 10 September 2020

There is a harvest day coming. ( Matthew 7 v 15 - 23 )

 There is a lot of confusion in the world, and that applies to those groups who say they are Christians,yes we have the cults,but I also include many of the so called mega Churches in America  . Now one of my favourite preachers is Chuck Swindoll, and I also appreciated the late R.C.Sproul,and I have been using Daily Bread daily reading notes for most of my Christian life. So I am not anti- American,but on You Tube one hears of the errors ,and dubious practices, of many of these people,a word of caution, we have to be careful that we don't go along with all those who voice criticism on You Tube.Having said that there are genuine concerns as regards much that is going on. I just want to stress that we must  be on our guard, and to be discerning at all times. I found myself asking God as regards these wicked people,why Lord?, the prophet  Habakkuk asked why?,he could not understand why God allowed  evil people to get away with it.My thoughts were directed to the story our Saviour told in Matthew 13 v 24 -30 .about a farmer who planted wheat,and how someone planed weeds in his wheat field.The farmer said an enemy had done this. His workers asked him should they go and pull up the weeds? but he said no, as they  might uproot the wheat with them. He said let both grow together until the harvest time ,then collect the weeds and burn them. No one will get away with anything as these false teachers, money loving rascals will find out,  because there is a harvest day coming.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Why Me ? (

'Why me Lord?, what have I ever done,to deserve even one,of the pleasures I've known. Tell me Lord , what did I ever do,that was worth loving you? ,or the kindness you've shown' ( Words by Kris Kristofferson). When I think of all God's goodness to me, his salvation,and it has not stopped there,that would be enough, that's the greatest gift of  all,and yet, his mercy does not stop there, for as Romans 8 v 32 reminds us,' how will he not also,along with him ( Jesus),graciously give us all things'.How good is the God we adore, That godly young man Robert M. M'cheyne wrote the following ,'When this passing world is done,When has sunk the radiant sun,When I stand with Christ on high, looking o'er life's history. Then, Lord , shall I know,not till then , how much I owe. Why me?, why you?, R.M.M'cheyne writes,'Chosen , not for  good in me,wakened up from wrath to flee, hidden in the Saviour's side,by the Spirit sanctified, Teach me,  Lord, on earth to show,by my love how much I owe'.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

He left us. ( 2 Timothy 3 v 16 - 18 )

 Here is a wonderful truth, God has said,'' never will I leave you; never will I forsake you'',( Hebrews 13 v 5) Since I have come to know Him, he has never left me alone,those words are very reassuring, to every child of God,in other words those who know Christ as Saviour.I remember seeing the first Jurassic Park movie,which I really enjoyed.They all have the same pattern to them ,the big creatures break out of their enclosures, causing fear and mayhem. There are two children in the movie I think they were called. Lex and Ted, they are in a vehicle with a man ,and the monsters have broken out ,the man runs away leaving them.Meanwhile the main character in the movie called Sam comes to rescue them, He is with the girl,and decides to go and get the boy,the girl becomes very afraid ,and says ,'he left us, he left us', Sam looks at her and says,''but its not what I'm going to do''.Child of God, listen, you may have been forsaken by your husband, mother, father ,wife,children, best friend.Hear is what God is saying to you,'They may have forsaken you, but its not, what I'm going to do'.

Monday 7 September 2020

Luther said. ( 3 John v 1 - 8 )

 Martin Luther asks this question,'How is God's name hallowed among us?' and his answer is,'When both our life and doctrine are truly Christian'. Our chief end is to glorify God, consider what that mean's for us,Luther writes of life and doctrine, both are a challenge.To be a Christian means a life, that to some degree, is evidence  that we are a Christian,that should mean many things. especially  'Holiness', in 1 Timothy 1 v 9, we read,'He has saved us and called us to a holy life',holiness means separated unto God, and separation from the world.  God must come first in our lives,we must be devoted to Him, and dedicated to Him,each day. When we are baptised we are declaring ,that we have died to self,and are going to live in newness of life.In Exodus  28 and verse 36 we read that Aaron was to wear a pure gold plate,engraved with the following words, 'Holy to the Lord'..May we have these words engraved on our hearts ,and manifest in our lives. Next let us consider what we believe ,our doctrine,we should see this as vital ,we are not to be gullible ,nor ignorant of Gods Word . A.W.Tozer  wrote a book called 'The knowledge of the Holy'.in it he writes about those who have a low view of  God,a low view of God will will not do .We must think right about God ,and we must cultivate a spirit of worship,that means a deep reverence for God, that is one of the meanings of the fear of God. That reverence should include His word, and a concern for any one who would undermine it.,and what it teaches.There are those who blatantly pick and choose what they believe , ignoring those truths that they don't like.It is rightly said, that one can make the Bible say whatever you want it to say. Many are doing this,unfortunately to many,let us who know the Lord ,correctly handle God's word.( 2 Timothy 2 v 15), and may our lives be an example of what a Christian should be. ( Acts 4 v 13 )

Sunday 6 September 2020

You are an . ( Philippians 4 v 13 )

 In the movie Tombstone ,Wyatt Earp resists the allurment of  a beautiful woman, he is a married man, his friend Doc  Holliday the infamous gambler ,say's to him,    ' Wyatt you are an oak'. Some oak,later on in  movie ,you guessed, the oak fell to that same beautiful women. King David, you are an oak, but alas he was soon chopped down to size,by  his weak sinful heart. Having followed the Lord for 56 years,,  there are those who may say that I am an oak,but I am not,nor  are you?, we all are weak,and without the grace of God we are goosed,Unless we stay very close to the Lord we will not make it,Samson you are an oak,but we know what happened when he went forth in his own strength. Saul said to David,''You are not able to go against  this Philistine and fight him; you are only a young man,and he has been a warrior from his youth,but David went,and that giant mocked him,he told David what he would do with him., But David said to him, you come against me with sword and spear and javelin,but I come against you in the name of  the  Lord Almighty,and you know something ,he beat that big giant  ( 1 Samuel  17 ) Jesus said without me you can do nothing ( John 15 v 5 ), let us remember that..

Saturday 5 September 2020

A man who never sinned ( Isaiah 53 )

Winston Churchill was noted for his sharp wit,during the 2nd world war Attlee and Churchill were having an interview with a Frank Pick who was director general of the ministry of information.Pick had a strong character,but also a streak of self-righteousness,which Churchill loathed.The two men sat and listened to a priggish lecture on the importance of sticking to the truth in propaganda. As they listened Churchill grew  exasperated, while Attlee  became so bored that he give way to sleep,he slipped off the settee on which he was sitting.In response Churchill barked,'Rise up Major Attlee. It is not every day you have an opportunity of shaking hands with a man who has never sinned''.I have met people who have said they  are not a   sinner,I hope you are not one, who thinks that way,for the word of  God tells us that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.And yet there is a person who never sinned, Jesus ,in Hebrew 4 v 15 we read,'He did not sin'. He never thought a wrong thought,never said a wrong word,and never committed a wrong deed.In 1 Peter 2 v 22 we have His sinlessness mentioned again,'He committed no sin',so why did he die on the cross?.,Peter goes unto to tell us,' He himself bore our sins on the cross'  ( v 24 ). One writer says,' The bearing of  our sins means suffering the punishment in our place',as Leon Morris says,'Because He suffered we do not suffer. ' This only becomes effective when we trust Him to be our Saviour.Christian rejoice that your sins are forgiven, wrath no longer awaits you.If you are not a Christian I implore you to ask Jesus to be your Saviour and so escape the wrath to come.

Friday 4 September 2020

Two plants. ( Job 42 v 1 - 6 )

 Following on from our last thought ,regarding the two plants,one died one survived,I believed  it is a picture of life, and especially the Christian life. We mentioned the will of God,but we must also consider the Providence of God, who is sovereign,and because He is sovereign,he is in control,and everything is in his hands,especially the lives of his dear children.When we arrive in heaven we will be astonished how God in his mercy overruled in our lives,how he kept us,protected us ,provided for us,and guided us.But what about the plant that died?,well as I said we move from plants to God's people.In Hebrews 11 v 34, we read abut those who escaped the edge of the sword,then in v 37, we have those who were stoned,and those who were sawn in two.. In Acts 12 we read how how Herod  had James, the brother of John killed,  we read how he also  had Peter arrested,but we read how God wonderfully set him free.One plant lived ,one plant died.God was watching over both of them,such was his will,for both of them.I know a Christian couple both were facing death ,through severe illness,God healed one, the other one died.One plant lived one plant died,such is the workings of God,  were does that leave us,,were we started,the challenge of having faith in our God,whose will is perfect,whose love is unchanging ,and whose faithfulness is assured, and who tells us, that all things are working together for our good.  (Romans 8 v 28 )

Thursday 3 September 2020

Two plants. ( Hebrews 11 v 6 )

 I decided to trim back two  identical plants,the result was one died the other survived,I treated both plants the same,so why did one die and the other survived?. In Hebrews 11 we have a wonderful list of men and women of faith.Lets hold unto those words,' men and women of  faith'.The Christian life is a life of faith, it starts by faith, and continues by faith,our faith is placed in a God who is invisible,and yet a God who revealed himself in Jesus a human yet divine person.That person Jesus  came for the specific purpose of being a sacrifice,and through that sacrifice he would  bear the punishment that we deserve. As sinners who live under God's wrath  ( John 3 v 36 ),we can have that wrath removed when we trust what Jesus has accomplished on the cross. Having done that ,we now commence the journey of faith,and like Jesus we are called to live a life in accordance with God's will,  God's will can mean different things for all of us.Returning to my two plants ,when one died and one survived,there are other lessons we can learn , we  will consider this next time.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Justice ( Philippians 2 v 5 - 11)

The prophet Samuel ,who ruled Israel as the last of the Judges, gave a farewell speech to God'd people ,here is part of what he said,,''Here I am; testify against me before the Lord and before his anointed. Whose ox have I taken? Or whose ass have I taken? Or whom have I defrauded? Whom have I oppressed? Or from whose hand have I taken a bribe to blind my eyes with it?. Testify against me and I will restore it to you''. This is what they replied,''You have not defrauded us or oppressed us or taken anything from any man' hand.? How many rulers could say they have acted like Samuel?,if only it was so,but as I often say we live in a fallen world,and so often those who rule,are often corrupt, and unjust. Corrupt government's litter humanities history, and once they get into power they cause so much pain and suffering.They are oblivious to the awful suffering they are causing, the people called Stalin uncle Joe, but he was no ones uncle,one will never know the depths of the suffering he caused. Things will not change , until the Lord returns, then he will rule by everlasting justice,and righteousness,in that new heaven and that new earth. ( Isaiah 9 v 7). Yes dear Christian, the King of Kings is coming,all evil rule will cease ,and be no more,yes the King is coming.

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Just a woman. ( Galatians 3 v 28 )

 Let us look a little further at Rahab the harlot, she was not an Israelite ,but she became one, because like Abraham she exercised faith ,and that's what  saved her. The promise  that God gave  Abraham was 'through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed ( Genesis 22 v 18) God's ultimate plan was for  the world, of Jew and Gentiles,Galatians 3 v ,'So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, v 29. 'If you belong to Christ then you are Abraham's seed ,and heir's according to the promise'. So Rahab became part of God's family. as do all who exercise faith in Jesus and his sacrificial death.In many countries woman today are despised,as it was in Christ day.especially in the nations of Islam,and if they become a Christian they are doubly despised.In rape cases some of the dear victims have been stoned because as women they must have done something to have caused it.P. Hughes points out,'in the sphere of faith there is neither male nor female. (Gal 3 v 28 ). Rahab is honoured by God firstly by being mentioned in the list of people of faith.,but she was also honoured by being mentioned in the the genealogy of our Saviour (Matthew 1 v 5 ).Dear sisters in Christ, worry not if you are despised because of your gender, in God's eyes you are precious,and dearly loved.