verse of the day

Wednesday 23 September 2020

My world ( Hebrews 11 v 24 - 26 )

He came from a rich family,he excelled in his studies,his father was so proud of his son,and this is what he said,''Son the world is your oyster''.This saying means 'You can achieve anything you wish in your life and go anywhere you want.The world is there for the taking ,that saying was first penned by the one and only William Shakespeare.What  is your world ?,on holiday recently I spoke to a number of people and their world is fishing.Fishing, it can be sport,art,family stamp collecting,sex,drugs,gambling,what is your world? It was Alexander the great who said,no more worlds to conqueror, it reminds me of a title of a movie,'This world is not enough'.God made us for a greater purpose,that is to glorify Him ,if we choose anything less than that ,we are missing the mark,and will be losers, not just in time but for eternity  Eric Liddell,said this,''Many are missing something in life,because they are after the second best''.I see so many wasted lives,and I say to myself ,if only they knew my Saviour If you are a Christian,enjoy your fishing or whatever,but don't let it become your world let your Saviour become your world.

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