verse of the day

Thursday 10 September 2020

There is a harvest day coming. ( Matthew 7 v 15 - 23 )

 There is a lot of confusion in the world, and that applies to those groups who say they are Christians,yes we have the cults,but I also include many of the so called mega Churches in America  . Now one of my favourite preachers is Chuck Swindoll, and I also appreciated the late R.C.Sproul,and I have been using Daily Bread daily reading notes for most of my Christian life. So I am not anti- American,but on You Tube one hears of the errors ,and dubious practices, of many of these people,a word of caution, we have to be careful that we don't go along with all those who voice criticism on You Tube.Having said that there are genuine concerns as regards much that is going on. I just want to stress that we must  be on our guard, and to be discerning at all times. I found myself asking God as regards these wicked people,why Lord?, the prophet  Habakkuk asked why?,he could not understand why God allowed  evil people to get away with it.My thoughts were directed to the story our Saviour told in Matthew 13 v 24 -30 .about a farmer who planted wheat,and how someone planed weeds in his wheat field.The farmer said an enemy had done this. His workers asked him should they go and pull up the weeds? but he said no, as they  might uproot the wheat with them. He said let both grow together until the harvest time ,then collect the weeds and burn them. No one will get away with anything as these false teachers, money loving rascals will find out,  because there is a harvest day coming.

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