verse of the day

Saturday 26 September 2020

Tempting God. ( Matthew 4 v 5 - 7 )

 The question one may be asking ,how does one act during this pandemic,so I looked on the internet and read what Martin Luther had to say.He wrote about people who acted rashly,and recklessly,at a time of a plague.How they tempted God, refused to take any precautions ,they did not avoid places and people infected by the plague.They would have said they were trusting God,but Luther said,'that they were not trusting God ,but tempting Him.' Luther himself did not flee the plague,feeling he should stay and minister to the sick and needy,he took precaution not to put himself in danger,praying God's protection,he was aware that he might die.He said if my neighbour needed me, I shall not avoid place or person ,but will go freely to help them. He commented,''See, this is  neither brash or foolhardy, and does not tempt God'' Many years ago a group of Christians refused to have their children  immunize ,trusting  God to keep them safe,the result was ,children died,these people were sincere ,but they were sincerely wrong,and in real sense they were tempting God,by not availing themselves to the means that God had provided to keep their children safe.

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