verse of the day

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Doers of the word. [ Matthew 7 v24 -27 ]

The Bible tells us to be doers of the word,not hearers only,it says if we are hearers only, then we are decieving ourselves[ James 1v22]. Consider how many sermons have you listened to,and ask yourself how many times have you done what you heard?. How many daily readings ,and Bible readings ,have you read, and not done what you read?. Revelation 1v3 declares,/Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy[AV], many dear Christians appear to stop there,and then go into the game of spectulating about the end times,they remind me of those in ancient Athens ,who spent their time in nothing else, but discussing the latest ideas[ Acts 17v21]. But the verse in Revelation goes on to say,/ and obey what it says[ NLT]. When I was bringing my children up I expected them to listen to what I said, but I also expected them to obey what I said. God is no different He really expects us to do what He tells us,to forgive others, to love others,to give, to go that extra mile, in the words of Mary,/Whatsoever He saith unto you do it/[ John 2 v 5]. [ Dear Lord forgive me for not doing what You asked me to do, help me today, to be a doer of Your word ,in Your name we ask this Amen ]

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