verse of the day

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Telling others about Jesus. [2 Timothy 4 v1-6]

Life has its seasons, young ,middle and old age, the years have their seasons, spring ,summer,autumn, and winter, and even sport has it seasons. In 2Timothy 4v2 ,we read,/Preach the word, be instant in season,out of season/, these words were written to a minister of the Gospel, but they are words for all of us who love Jesus. William Barclay, writes on this,/ The Christian must count every time an opportunity to speak for Christ,[A quote by a Theodore of Mospeuestia]he goes on to say,/This does not mean that we will not choose our time to speak, for there is a courtesy in evangelism as there is in every human contact, but it does mean that it may well be that we are far to shy in speaking to others about Jesus Christ./[ Dear God help me to tell others about Jesus, help me to overcome my shyness, or whatever is holding me back, for Christ sake we ask this Amen]

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