verse of the day

Monday 17 March 2008

A Maze.[Psalm 23.]

Life is sometimes like a maze in which we dont know the way out, sometimes we dont know which way to go for the best, so we need to fix our minds on Gods word, which continually reminds us that , there is one who goes before us leading the way. There are times in which I look back and I am amazed how God has lead me, the hymn writer wrote ,[All the way my Saviour leads me, what have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy who through life has been my guide. Life in its very nature is uncertain ,but for us who are children of God, we have this wonderful assurance that we are being lead, I read these two verses , the first in Psalm31v15 it reads [ My future is in Your hands.]the next is in Psalm 32v8. [The Lord says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.] , so in all your ways ackowledge Him and He will direct your paths. [Lord sometimes I am fearful about the future, thank you that you do not leave us to flounder in uncertainity, but gentle remind us, that you will lead and guide us all the days of our lives, thank you Lord Jesus, Amen.]

1 comment:

john heasley said...

I needed that Dad, very comforting.