verse of the day

Saturday 29 March 2008

Falling over. [Joshua 7v19 ]

When you are an adult and you fall over,the thing you feel is mainly embarrassment, I remember while on holiday, a friend fell over, I went up to ask her how she was, and she shouted at me , I quietly walked away, she was embarrassed. Now if truth were told we fall over more than we would admit, oh I dont mean literally, falling over, I mean in our walk with Jesus, lets be honest, we put on a good front, but we know we have fallen, and how embarrassed if others had seen us. When Adam and Eve fell they started to blame others, instead of being honest and admitting their sin to God, we are all like our first parents, God would say to all of us stop hiding behind our excuses, and be honest with Him. [ Father help us to see how vital it is to be honest in our relationship with you , grant us the grace to not hide behind excuses, in Jesus name I ask this, Amen. ]

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