verse of the day

Friday 21 March 2008

Good Friday.[ Luke 23 v39-43 ]

For every one looking on , at Christ on the cross it,it appeared the end for Jesus, after all death has that meaning to it, the disciples felt it was the end for them also , no more Jesus to teach them , no more witnessing His miracles, no more listening to his words, no more anything just memories, they had hoped for so much more. Then there were those who must have felt relief at his death , glad even, that this trouble maker was at last out of the way, things could settle down, He would no longer be a pain in their side. But there was one exception, just one, we read of, a thief, a thief who in his darkest hour, had a sudden revelation, a saving revelation, for he saw not just another victim, but one who was dying for him, dying for his sins, he called on Jesus and was granted eternal life, amazing but true. [Father on this good friday I simple want to thank you, for Jesus, for His dying for me, on that cross, for my sins ,Amen.]

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