verse of the day

Saturday 22 March 2008

Are you feeling the squeeze?. [Mark 4 v1-20.]

More and more those reminders to all of us ,of Spiritual realities are being squeezed out of life, Christmas has become a consumer binge, Easter is for many just a reason to escape, and gradually consumerism is taking over. Now I like shopping ,we all are consumers, nor am I trying to dictate to anyone , but I am saying this , dont let whatever, squeeze out those Spiritual realities in our lives. Enjoy the things of life , but dont let them consume you, be they sport, habits, buying, selling, whatever, as a J.P.Phillips translation of Romans 12v2, reads ,[ Dont let the world squeeze you into its mould ] [Father I thank you for the many blessings of life I enjoy, for every good and perfect gift, please help me to see beyond the gifts ,to you the Giver, may nothing take Your place in my life. in Jesus name I ask this, Amen.]

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