verse of the day

Wednesday 26 March 2008

Im not God. [Philippians 2v 5- 11]

It was Cromwell who said , consider young man you may be wrong,and it was W. Churchill, who said of an M.P. there goes God but for the grace of God, man know your place. I was listening to some scientists on the radio,speaking as if they were God, they spoke as if they have arrived at the fullness of knowledge, instead of realizing they are on a journey. We are all on a journey, it is were we arrive at, thats what, is important.The Christian is one who is not alone on that journey,for God in his Son Jesus is with them, and on that journey they are to do right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with their God [Micah 6v 8 ] [ Father forgive us for our lack of humility, forgive us for usurping your place ,and help us to be more like Jesus, even though He was God,He manifested supreme humility, Amen.]

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