verse of the day

Friday 28 March 2008

Detour. [I Samuel 15 v1-23]

If one drives a car ,one knows about detours, suddenly instead of getting to your destination, quickly, you have to go a longer way, often it is not convenient, and above all else it goes against our natural desire to get to our chosen destination as soon as possible. In the Bible we read of one of the longest detours ever recorded, Israel had come out of Egypt ,heading for the promised land, a journey that should have taken eleven days, but instead it took forty years, now thats a long detour. Reasons for this was, disobedence, one of the most important lessons, they had to learn was ,obedience, as with them so with us, no matter who you are ,the main thing God wants from you and I ,is very simply, obedience. [Father forgive us for our disobedience, not loving as we should , not doing what you command, please help us to be your obedient children, in Jesus name we ask this, Amen .]

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