verse of the day

Sunday 11 August 2024

Who Rules? ( Ephesians 2 v1-10)

 Who rules is important,and the importance of how they rule,modern governments are led by certain principals and beliefs.The Italian diplomat of the 16th century Nicolo  Machiavelli  wrote a book that has influenced rulers, it is called 'The Prince',it could be seen as an instruction model  to those in power . The  main point it sought to make was the idea of, 'the greater good, 'It is said that Stalin slept with a volume of that book under his pillow. he took ,'the greater good idea to evil extremes.The Nazi government ruled by evolutionary teaching,which highlights the survival of the fittest ,we owe a lot to Darwin,tell that to the millions who have been brutally murdered . Yes who rules is important,and to those governments mentioned they were awful,they are not on their own .As we look at humanity what rule could we say was ,and is, awful,beyond words?,Satan and sin. From the moment God created us, Satan became our enemy seeking our destruction ,oh yes he is a defeated foe,but he still is active,he is called the god of this world, blinding the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel. (2  Corinthians 4 v 4.) In our unsaved state we are ruled by sin and all the terrible consequences of that ,for time and for eternity.(John 8 v 34) But here is the good news Christ Jesus came into the world to save,sinners,and on the cross He won the victory, over death sin and Satan.When we trust Jesus as ones Saviour, death will not have the final say,sin will be forgiven and we will be free from it's power,likewise Satan's power over us will be finished.Indeed when  Satan knocks of the door of our hearts,and asks who rules ,we can reply 'JESUS'.

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