verse of the day

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Growing .( Romans 8 v 28)

 Ronald Regan came across as a lovely man he had a great sense of humour,he also made very wise quotations,here is one, 'Growth does not come in your comfort zone'.  Romans 5 v 3 -4  reads,'We glory in tribulations,knowing that tribulation produces perseverance,and perseverance character; and character hope'.From the moment Paul became a Christian it doesn't appear he had a comfort zone,he had so many trials ,read his life,and the list of things he suffered, in all those things he never became bitter,he would look at such things not with the natural reasoning,but with a spiritual  understanding,which he passed on to the church of Christ,to you and to me.John Stott  commenting on Rom5 v 3-4,writes,'That we are not meant to merely endure suffering with a stoic fortitude,we are to rejoice in them.This is not masochism,however, the sickness of finding pleasure in pain. It is rather that there is a divine rationale brhind suffering. First, suffering is the one and only path to glory......Suffering can lead to maturity and can be very productive,if we respond to it positively,and not with anger or bitterness'.

                                                    'Suffering is not accidental,always 

                                                     remember God is sovereign,who

                                                     tells us that everything is working

                                                     for our good'



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