verse of the day

Saturday 3 August 2024

He is coming,it is coming. (2 Thessalonians 1 v 5 -10) 5

 Here is something I have never realised, Enoch was a prophet, he hasn't left us a book like the other prophets,instead we have two verses in that little book of Jude v 14 -15.These two verses have a very important message for us, here are the opening words ,'Enoch ,the seventh from Adam'. So he was a genuine historical character, the is not about myths,or fictitious characters,it is about real living people living out real lives. Inspired by God the Holy Spirit he prophesied as regards  the end times of humanity on planet earth. Here is what he has to say,'See the Lord is  is coming ',I am sure like me you have listened to a clock ticking,with every tick ,the moment of our Lord's coming back is drawing nearer. He is not on His own,He, the Lord comes with thousands upon thousands of His  holy ones', Remember Jesus said ,'I will come back',(John 14 v 3),He keeps His word,who are those holy ones? it would appear to be the angels (2 Thessalonians 1 v7)  but it could be the saints also      ( 1  Thess 4 v 14)He is coming with a purpose, to convict and punish the ungodly.,Norman Barr describes them as being',destitute of reverential awe towards God'.If sinners have not been forgiven, sinners will be judged .It could be that preachers  that don't preach Christ coming ,are not happy with Christ as a judge.Happy does not come into it ,like it or not ,judgement is coming, one better be ready before it is to late. 

                                                          At His call the dead awake,

                                                          Rise to life from earth and sea;

                                                           All the powers of nature,shaken

                                                           By His looks,prepare to flee;

                                                                    careless sinner

                                                           What will then become of thee?'   (Words John Newton)

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