verse of the day

Thursday 1 August 2024

Remember Lot's wife. ( 2 Timothy 4 v 10 ) 2

 When judgement fell on Sodom and Gomorrah,Lots wife perished, consider why she perished,the answer is ,she disobeyed God.Genesis (19 v17) yes she looked back,We are not told why she looked back,possible her heart was there, that was the fault of Isreal when they were delivered  out of Egypt,it appears for some their hearts were still in Egypt (Exodus 16 v 3 /Numbers 14 v1-4). When you start following Jesus ,there has to be a  decisiveness,and must be decisiveness,there should be no turning back,and indeed no looking back,for then you may want to go back.Jesus said,'' take up your cross and follow Me',yes in spite of the difficulties,lonliness,and challenges.The very nature of those words are a sharp reminder that following Him can truly cost. Our Saviour said ,'No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.(Luke 9 v 62)When I used to visit some elderly people,they dwelt very much on the past,we can understand that, but we must  not live in the past.Someone said,'The Christian marches on,not to the sunset,but to the dawn.The watchword of the Kingdom of God is not,''Backwards'', but,'' forwards ''.

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