verse of the day

Saturday 31 August 2024

Atheists do pray sometimes. ( Luke 17 v 11- 19)

 There is a saying,''There are no atheists in foxholes'',this is an aphorism used to express that at times of extreme stress or fear one will pray to a higher power .It does not mean that they will become a Christian,it did in the case of John Newton.although he was  firmilar with Christianty ,he lived a very ungodly life. It was on a boat voyage back home to England ,the boat he was in was caught up in a severe storm, and was at the point of sinking,it was then that John called for God's mercy,Soon after the storm ceased,and he arrived safely home,it was the beginning of him becoming a Christian.The idea of writing this came from an article I read in a news paper,about a North Korean diplomot who defected to South Korea.He describes the awfulness of living in North Korea.He came to a point when he wanted to get out of N K, but it is a very dngerous thing to do,as defactors pay a  terrible price if caught.He was not a religious person ,but there was a moment just before he escaped,he prayed' One can hope that the experience will lead him to seek the truth and find Christ. A prayer in a time of temporarly trouble does not make one a Christian,and will not  make any difference,to one's eternal destiny,and the awful storm that faces everyone without Christ.

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