verse of the day

Tuesday 20 August 2024

No one is innoncent,and it shows. ( Romans 3 v 10 -23 )

We live in a fallen world,no one is perfect,everyone is a sinner,  do we take that fact it in?,to what extent does this affect the inhabitants of planet earth?.Take 9/11 when  two planes  were hijacked by adherent of Islam and crashed them into the 'Twin Towers'. Lets go further back to Nazi Germany and all the things they did, is there any logical explanation?.Just recently a seventeen old lad  attacked mothers and childen with a knife seriousally wounding and killing those present.Again we ask the question,why?it makes no sense if you leave out the fact that being sinners,with a fallen nature  we will manifest that reality in a mulitude of ways ,some  extremly frightening. The word of God tells us that one aspect of our fallen nature is violence (Romans 3 v 15)Think of how many wars there have been,how many murders have been committed,it appears that for many violence is just below the surface,and can erupt at anytime  for a multitute of reasons.I have touched on one aspect of our fallen nature.In all of us there lies a fallen nature with the potential to committ all sorts of evil.I heard recently that one countries goverment is concerned  with aspects of the Bible ,because of the word sin.Words of a poem by Rudyard Kipling expresses this veiw.
                                           'Ship me somewhere east of Suez
                                            where the best is like the worst
                                            Where there are no ten commandments,
                                             And man can raise a thirst'
Why ? because men love darkness instead of  light because their deeds are evil. Everyone who does evil  hates the light, and will not come to the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.(John 3 v 19 -20)

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