verse of the day

Sunday 18 August 2024

Heavenly Minded . ( Reveation 2 v 1 v 4 ) 2

When Paul writes that we are to set our hearts on things above,where is Christ is seated, and that we are to have our minds on things above,not on earthly things,he is writing to Christians,to not let earthly things draw them away from God.It was the devil who offered our dear Lord all earth's kingdons,and their glories if only he would worship him,but the Lord refused ( Matthew 4 v 9ff) So we must not be enticed by what the devil  offers,and we can be,we can soon leave our first love Jesus ,for lesser things.Charles Swindoll writes the following,'When we fully comprehend the tempory and tentative nature of the current age,wise Chriatians seek to invest time in eternal matters'. Believers must always keep a balance ,'and not be enslaved to marriage, mourning, merrymaking,msrketing, and material things' ( 1 Corinthians 7 v 29-31) 

                                         'Remember all that we see with our natural
                                          sight is temporal,let them  not cause us to 
                                          loose sight of the eternal glories that shine

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