verse of the day

Saturday 10 August 2024

Predestination ( Romans 10 v 14 -15 )

 On writing in his commentary on a very controversial  subject,predestination  John Stott  gives 5 examples of why people don't agree with it,'It fosters arrogance,uncertainty,apathy ,fosters complacency,and lastly  narrow -mindedness' Let me say this predestination is continually declared throughout the Bible, Israel were a  chosen people Deuteronomy 7 v7,our dear Saviour said to his disciples ,'You did not choose me,but I  chose you' John 15 v 16.Writing to the saints at Ephesus ,Paul wrote,'For He chose us in Him before the creation  of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love, He predestined us for the adoption to sonship  through Jesus Christ,in accordance with His pleasure and will'.(1v 4-5)  People who hold to predestination are Calvinist in other words they fall in with the teaching of John Calvin. Spurgeon  was a Calvinist but he was not a Hyper-Calvinist it was they who opposed William Carey going to India as a missionary he was  told  that God didn't need him to do His work. That did not stop him from going,and he became known as the father of modern missions.Coming back to Spurgeon  he was opposed by the Hyper -Calvinist but their opposition  did not stop him in his great work,when many thousands came to know Christ. Yes God will save  His elect,but  that  does not rule out evangelism,and urging souls to come to Christ, in fact  we must or we will be held accountable.

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