verse of the day

Tuesday 27 August 2024

God's complex plan. ( John 13 v 7 )

Yesderday we thought on  ,'God incomprehensible',yes God made us in His image ,that image reflects God to a degree,but in no way does it reflect God's fullness,because we are  not god's,The Bible tells us He is Spirit that He is not a man,Christ one of the divine beings in the Trinty ,was a man,but He was also God,he became a man in order to redeem us on the Gross,but it did not diminish in anyway His divinity,in other words He never stopped being God, John 1 v1/ Colossians 2 v 9. Now consider God's complex plan,in relation to our lives,we read in Romans 11 v 33ff 'Oh, the depths of the riches  both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways are past finding out! For who has known the way of the Lord?.' Isaiah 40 v 28,reads,'His understaning is unsearchable'.God declares ,'For my thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor your ways my ways,says the Lord.For as the heavens are higher than the earth,so are my ways higher than your ways,and my thougjts than your thoughts'.Isaiah 55 v 8-9.God's ways are complex and we struggle with that,yes people say ,if He is God then why? yes why?.Sometimes we get some light on His ways,but often we don't,and that's when trust takes over, a great example of this is seen in the book of Habakkuk .God gave him  a vision of coming judgement on Israel by the ruthless Babylonians, for their sins. In the end  he Had to Trust God, Habakkuk 3 v 17 -17 -18.God has a plan it is a complex plan,and so the challenge comes to all of us that we are to trust in the Lord with all our hearts,and lean not upon our own understanding,I will finish with a verse of scripture that has being been a blessing to many of Gods children,

                                       'And we know that all things work together for good

                                        to those wholove God,to those who are the called

                                        according to His purpose.'

                                                                    Romans 8 v28.

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