verse of the day

Monday 12 August 2024

An open door.( 1 Corinthians 16 v9 /2 Cor 2 v12 )

 As I was leaving the fellowship I attend, the door gently opened to let me out,those who had previously left the building before me,must not have shut it probably the wind must have blown it open.It amused me,but it caused me to think of the words of our Saviour in Revelation 3 v8 ,spoken to the  church in Philadelphia,it reads,,'See I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you hsave little strength,yet you have my word and not denied my name'.They appeared to be facing difficulties and Christ exhorts them to hold on ,right through his words to the church,our Lord says ,'I will',six times.What ever difficulties they were going to face the Lord was assuring them that He would be with them,and they could go forward with confidence,be it missionary endevour or whatever.It is an open door which no power on earth or hell can shut,so they can go forward  in their Christian life and in their Christian service in the knowledge that if God be for them who can be against them. 

                                         'When the King in His power,opens the way of

                                    usefulness,not all the powers of earth or hell can close it.

                                                              James  B. Ramsey.

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