verse of the day

Friday 2 August 2024

They didn't die. ( 1Thessalonians 4 v 13- 18 ) Enoch 4

 In  Hebrews 11 v 5 we have a fuller account of Enoch than we have in Genesis  ,we read that he never experienced death,it is interesting that there are only two people who never  experienced death.Enoch and Elijah (2 Kings 2).Yes we do read of those who died and were brought back to life.but that was only a temporary  experience.Both those two godly men were raptured ,taken right up into heaven.What joy and ecstasy must have filled their hearts,now these two men's experience points us to that day when Christ comes back,we read about it in 1 Thessalonians 4 v13 -18.What a day that will be,though we don't know when for the  secret things belong unto God,it is secret known only to Him'  Deuteronomy 29 v29,That's His secret ,so many Christians concot so many ideas as to when Christ is coming  ,and those ideas become a problem bringing division to the body of Christ.Then you have those who  don;t mention Christ's coming again,why ?we will touch on that next time.Yes it will be wonderful when our Saviour comes again, it could happen in our time , that would be wonderful,the hymn writer H.L. Turner wrote the following.

                                            0h, joy! oh, delight ! should we go without dying;

                                            No sickness, no sadness,no dread and no crying;

                                            Caught up through the clouds with our Lord into glory

                                            When Jesus receives '' His own.'

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