verse of the day

Sunday 25 August 2024

Have faith in God. ( Psalm 46 v 10)

 Let us look at the prayer that Jacob prayed in Genesis 32 v 9-12, he says to God,'But you have said ,''I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea,which cannot be counted'.He is saying hear I am and possible going to be annihilated by my brother,but you have said,you will bless me and prosper me.He is an honest man telling God he is afraid,so really he was asking God to honour His word and to save and deliver him.And so it came to pass,for we read in chap33 when Esau came he ran to to Jacob embraced him,throwing his arms around him and kissed him,Instead of hating ,he showed that he loved him,this was a wonderful answer to prayer,God was faithful as to what he had promised Jacob .Although Jacob had been very afraid,he sought God believing what God had said.Do not let feelings rule your life,(but let me add ,don't ignor if you feel unwell, go and see your doctor),but don't let feeling rule your life, feelings have a place in our lives,but so has faith,faith in relation to salvation, faith in relation to God's care ,protection and provision.Don't let fear drive you away from God, let it drive you to seek God in prayer, and as it did with Jacob .

                                                    'Teach me ,Lord, to understand

                                                     Even in the darkest night,

                                                     When storms are high and seas are wild,

                                                      Thy way is right.'

                                                                N R.Perry

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