verse of the day

Thursday 22 August 2024

Are you being tested? ( Deuteronomy 13 v 3)

 Abraham and  Sarah had to wait 25yrs for the promise child to,be born,the moment of his coming was in God's hands.So when it happened what absolute joy must have filled their hearts,Oh the love that was shown  to that long awaited child. Of course this was not the end of the story,God was to bring a challenge to Abraham,a very extreme challenge . In Genesis 22v 1 we read,'God tested Abraham, this is what he said to him,'Take your son, your only son,whom you love,and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him  there as a burnt offering on a mountain that I will show you'.Just reading those words,I can imagine if I was in  Abahams place it would have taken my breath away.Abraham loved his son,could it be that he loved him to much?. Consider the following words spoken by our Saviour,'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind'.(Matthew 22 v37) Could this have been the reason why God tested Abraham?,would he pass the test?,the answer is yes.he would,what would  we do if God tested us?.Remember the words spoken to Peter ny our Saviour,'do you love me more than these'.We often play a game with our Children,and say ,how much do you love Me. and they strertch out their arms ,Let me ask a question how much do we love God?.

                                                   ' The dearest idol I have known,

                                                      Whate'er that idol be,

                                                      Help me to tear it from Thy throne

                                                      And worship onlyThee.'

                                                            William Cowper

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