verse of the day

Saturday 24 August 2024

Open our eyes Lord. ( Psalm 35 v 10 ) 2

 Here is Jacob ,in his own words,unworthy ,and little,he is afraid of what lies ahead,a vengeful brother, he would show no mercy to him or his family,so he cries unto God ,'Save me from my brother Esau'( Gen32 v 11),Jacob was a man in desperate straits.He reminds me of a man who was going to kill himself,when a voice cried out,'Don't harm yourself,' he went to where the voice came from,and fell trembling at the persons feet and asked ,'what must I  do to be saved?'. and he was told ,'Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved',and he did that (Acts 16 v31)Could it be that you are like that man, and  you feel like ending it all,don't do yourself any harm, believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. That's one very important apect of being saved.Let us turn to another,a life threatening situation recorded in 2 Kings 6 v 15-17. The enemies of Israel where surrounded by enemies,they had come to capture the prophet Elisha, when Elisha's servant saw the enemy forces,he cried out in despair'Oh no,my Lord! What shall we do?' Then Elisha prayed,'Open his eyes Lord, so that he may see,' Then the Lord opened the servants eyes, and he looked and saw the hill s full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha'. God who delivered Elisha ,would deliver Jacob,and can deliver you from the enemies that threaten you ,He most surely can deliver .

                                                     'If God be for us,who can be against us'

                                                                      Romans 8 v 31.

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