verse of the day

Thursday 8 August 2024

Don't worry.( Matthew 24 v 4 - 31)

 Hitler and the toxic cloud  of anti- Semitism was spreading across  Germany, a Jewish lady who lived in neighbouring Austria said,'Surely it could not affect them in Liberal  Vienna'.How wrong she was for in a very short time Hitlers hoards invaded Austria,and that was that.When Russia invaded Ukraine the head  of the Unoited Nations,was heard to say,'this should not be happening in the  21st century'.It was our Saviour who said that you will hear of  wars and rumors of wars,that nations will rise against nations,and  kingdom against kingdom.( Matthew 24 v 6-7) .When a gastly crime happens in some quite areas,people are amazed that such things should happen in what they thought was their nice safe little heidi ho. Why does it happen?,why can't we have peace? indeed why,well sad to say it will never happen,wishing will not change things,yes no Genie will grant us three wishes,that the bad things will go away.The fall of humanity  will continue and that means unabated ,no one can change that.So don't be surprised ,keep on praying ,trusting and looking for the return of our long awaited Saviour.Remember what our dear Saviour said, 'See to it ,that you are not alarmed.

                                                        'Even so Lord Jesus, come'

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