verse of the day

Friday 16 August 2024

Humility. (Philippianns 2 v 5-11)

  There should never be any false humility in our Christian lives,one example of false humility was the character in Charles Dickens novel 'David Copperfield' ,Uriah Heep, he is remembered by the words,'I'm ever so humble',of course he was  anything but that, he is described as having a false humility,but one who was bitter and vengeful,a demonis character.That's a extreme example,or is it,Hitler boasted that the Third Reich would last a thousand years,it lasted 12 yrs, King Nebuchadnezzar full of pride  boasted of all he had done ,God immediatley dealt with him,and humbled him (Daniel 4 v28 ff. But of course pride is not only found in the great and mighty,we are all prone to be proud,proud of our accoplisments,and our possessions,our gifts,and a multitude of other things. The first sermon I preaced when I came to England  was Micah 6 v 8, 'He has shown you,O mortal , what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? . To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God'. We are told,'God opposes the proud but shows favour to the humble (James 4 v 6) And it was John Bunyan in his wonderful book 'Pilgrins Progress,wrote of the valley of humiliation,he went on to write.

                                            'He that is down needs fear no fall,

                                             He that is humble, no pride,

                                              He that is humble  ever shall 

                                               have God to be His guide'.

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