verse of the day

Saturday 17 August 2024

Heavnly Minded ( Colossians 3 v 1-2) 1

There is a saying ,that being to heavenly minded,has the affect upon us ,of making us, no eatthly good ', Is that true? so I wonder why we are exhorted,'To set our hearts on things above,where Christ is ,and to set our minds on things above,not on earthly things'.(Colossians 3 v 1- 2) We must be a heavenly minded people,it is not that the things of this world are not important,but they should not be the all important think.The non -Christian sets their hearts and minds totally on things of this life with hardly a thought for God, He is relegated to a very minor place in their lives,they don't involve Him in their decision making, planning,or whatever,Being heavenly minded does not mean  we don't care  for this world and it's inhabitants, and its suffering.What evidence have I to show that this is true?.So here is some of the evidence,'The Salvation Army,The Medical Missionary News,Stand by Me,the Missionary Aviation Fellowship,These are all involved in giving help  to thousands and thousands of people,I believe they are only the tip of the iceberg.being heavenly minded will not take us  away from helping and loving people.

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