verse of the day

Thursday 15 August 2024

Failure ( Proverb 24 v 16)

 Richard Nixion visited J F.Kennedy after the failed attempt by Cuban exiles to overthrow the Castro goverment,it is remembered as the Bay of Pigs invasion.R. N,described Kennedy as being very agitated, RN said as he listened to him he realized that this was a man who never experienced failure,this was the first time he had experinced  the firey ordeal of failure. Failure comes to all of us ,often more than once, Failures can be devastating,a failed marriage,a failed career,a failed driving test, a failure in not being able to have children,and so we could go on .Someone has said that failure is not fatal,but for some it feels that way. There are plenty of failures in the Bible,but God didn't give up on them,take Peter ,he failed big time,but Christ did not give up in him. read John 21v 15- 17 ). The important thing to remember is that none of God's children are perfect,the next important thing to remember is, not to give up,that can be a  bigger failure None of us like failing,when I was young I didn't like vegetables but vegetables are good for us.Romans 8 v28 tells us that God causes everything to work together for our good,yes even failures.God our great teacher wants us to learn valuable lesson,like pricking the bubble of pride,that exsists in all our hearts,so that we may be more humble , and be less independant and more dependent on our Saviour,also we can have a deeper appreciation for those who fail and be more sympathetic towards them..

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