verse of the day

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Unshakable Faith. ( Hebrews 10 v 23)

He had at last got everything he wanted ,a son, a special son, promised to him by God,that through his seed all the nations on earth would be blessed.( Genesis 22 v 18)   It seemed that it was never going to happen,he reached the ripe old age of one hundred,and his wife was ninety , the promised  child had still not being born,But we read ,'Against all hope he believed. He did not waver through unbelief......being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He promised.' (Romans 4) Of course we are talking about Abraham,yes father Abraham,that wonderful man of faith,who never give up believing. Whenever God gives us a promise, He will fulfill it,nothing can stop that promise from happening,when He says it ,it is a done deal. God is not a man that he should lie(Numbers 23 v19), no ,He alays keeps His word.,He will never break His word,no matter what it takes,no matter about the difficulties.Like Abraham that great man of faith,we declare that when  He makes a promise,'it shall be done,it shall come to pass'.                                       

                                            'God keeps His promises,His word never fails,

                                            His promises He keeps,right down to the detail.

                                            Promises of  comfort, when trials we face,

                                            Promises of new mercy, and sufficent grace.'

                                                            Deborah Ann Belka.


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