verse of the day

Saturday 31 August 2024

Atheists do pray sometimes. ( Luke 17 v 11- 19)

 There is a saying,''There are no atheists in foxholes'',this is an aphorism used to express that at times of extreme stress or fear one will pray to a higher power .It does not mean that they will become a Christian,it did in the case of John Newton.although he was  firmilar with Christianty ,he lived a very ungodly life. It was on a boat voyage back home to England ,the boat he was in was caught up in a severe storm, and was at the point of sinking,it was then that John called for God's mercy,Soon after the storm ceased,and he arrived safely home,it was the beginning of him becoming a Christian.The idea of writing this came from an article I read in a news paper,about a North Korean diplomot who defected to South Korea.He describes the awfulness of living in North Korea.He came to a point when he wanted to get out of N K, but it is a very dngerous thing to do,as defactors pay a  terrible price if caught.He was not a religious person ,but there was a moment just before he escaped,he prayed' One can hope that the experience will lead him to seek the truth and find Christ. A prayer in a time of temporarly trouble does not make one a Christian,and will not  make any difference,to one's eternal destiny,and the awful storm that faces everyone without Christ.

Friday 30 August 2024

The cross ( Romans 12 v1 -2 )

 When on holiday a number of years go I  bought a braclet for my wife,it ia made of leather with a round metal  inset ,with a cross on it.My wife give to me, so I am wearing it ,I hope it will arouse somebody's curiosity,and ask me about it, and so give me an opportunity to witness. Many people wear crosses,some wear then as a fashion accessory being devorced from any religious significance. There are some Christians feel uneasy about anyone wearing a cross,I wonder why?.I have said I hope me wearing this bracelet wiill be a tool in evangelisim,let's hope and pray it will be.I also hope as I look at it,its significance will bear in on  me, Fanny Crosby wrote a lovely hymn,here is a verse from it,'Near the cross! O Lamb of God, bring its scenes before me; Help me walk from day to day,with its shadow o'er me'.the cross speaks of many things,it speaks of forgiveness,reminding us we have been forgiven, so we must forgive,it speaks of the wonderful love we have experienced from God,and so we must also love,it speaks to us of one who died for us sinners,and that we must die daily to sin, it speaks to us of humility,of one who was equal to God and became a servant,reminding us that we are called to serve. So one could go on and on reminding us ,of all that the cross stands for ,challenging us each day to live day by day in its shadow.

Thursday 29 August 2024

No chance happenings. ( Genesis 24 v1 - 27 )

I believe it is important to be reminded of the providence of God,that He is sovereign as John Flvael writes,'That everything in the world and in our own lives down to the minutest details is ordered by the providence of God.As Psalm 57 v2 declares,'God that performeth all things for me'.not only that He works all things for our  good.Read the book of Esther how God intervened to preserve his ancient people.,it didn't happen by accident.How David was preserved time after time from King Saul  his persecutor..When Abraham sent his servant to get a wife for his son,he guided him to the very place and the  person who would become Abraham's sons wife 24 Genesis 24 v27,here is what he said,'The Lord led me on  the journey to the house of my fathers relatives'.That servant had strong faith in the providence of God,a certainty that the greater as well as the smaller happenings of life are very defintely controlled by the Lord's hand'. (Leupold) 'Our  times are in God's hands', we could not be in better hands,he makes no mistakes,Yes God  is sovereign He rules and overrules in all the affairs of life,there are no chance happenings,none.John Ryland wrote the following..
                                                    'His decree that formed the earth
                                                     Fixed my first and second birth;
                                                     Parents, native place,and time,
                                                     All appointed were by Him.
                                                     He that formed in the womb,
                                                     He shall guide me to the tomb;
                                                     All my times shall ever be
                                                     Ordered by His wise decree.
                                                     Plasgues and deaths around me fly;
                                                     Ti'll He bids, I cannot die;
                                                     Not ab single shaft can hit,
                                                     Till the God of Love sees fit'

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Forgiving others. ( Matthew 18 v 21-22 )

 A friend of mine bumbed into his ex-Pastor and his wife,he was no longer in the ministry because of his mental illness.When my friend spoke to them they said they no longer believed in God,the reason , people in the church he pastored had been unkind to them. So instead of forgiving those people they forsook appears to me, that was a strange and foolish thing to do.The movies entertain us by showing people wanting revenge on those who have hurt them,very rarely does it show people forgiving those who have hurt them.Yet that is the very thing Jesus says we should do, in Matthew 6 v 14-15 we read,' For if you forgive other people when they sin against you,your heavenly will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their sins,your heavenly Father will not forgive your sins.'I believe those words are a tremendous challenge to us all. I pray for many people who are suffering terrible things by very wicked people, What are they supposed to do?,forgive.Looking back on my own life I have been hurt ,treated unfairly ,as maybe  you have,what are we to do? the answer is very  simple and challenging,we are to forgive.

                                               'Unforgiveness will drive us away from God

                                                Forgiving others will draw us closer to God'




Tuesday 27 August 2024

God's complex plan. ( John 13 v 7 )

Yesderday we thought on  ,'God incomprehensible',yes God made us in His image ,that image reflects God to a degree,but in no way does it reflect God's fullness,because we are  not god's,The Bible tells us He is Spirit that He is not a man,Christ one of the divine beings in the Trinty ,was a man,but He was also God,he became a man in order to redeem us on the Gross,but it did not diminish in anyway His divinity,in other words He never stopped being God, John 1 v1/ Colossians 2 v 9. Now consider God's complex plan,in relation to our lives,we read in Romans 11 v 33ff 'Oh, the depths of the riches  both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways are past finding out! For who has known the way of the Lord?.' Isaiah 40 v 28,reads,'His understaning is unsearchable'.God declares ,'For my thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor your ways my ways,says the Lord.For as the heavens are higher than the earth,so are my ways higher than your ways,and my thougjts than your thoughts'.Isaiah 55 v 8-9.God's ways are complex and we struggle with that,yes people say ,if He is God then why? yes why?.Sometimes we get some light on His ways,but often we don't,and that's when trust takes over, a great example of this is seen in the book of Habakkuk .God gave him  a vision of coming judgement on Israel by the ruthless Babylonians, for their sins. In the end  he Had to Trust God, Habakkuk 3 v 17 -17 -18.God has a plan it is a complex plan,and so the challenge comes to all of us that we are to trust in the Lord with all our hearts,and lean not upon our own understanding,I will finish with a verse of scripture that has being been a blessing to many of Gods children,

                                       'And we know that all things work together for good

                                        to those wholove God,to those who are the called

                                        according to His purpose.'

                                                                    Romans 8 v28.

Monday 26 August 2024

God Incomprehensible ( Psalm 86 v10 )

 It is A.W.Tozer who wrote in his very profitable little book  called ,'The knowledge of God', 'Why we must think rightly of God'.I wonder when you think of  God,what comes into your mind?  The god's of this world are made in man's image,but the God of the Bible is incomprehensible we can never fully know Him,it is beyond us,but we can know God,and in the most personal way,when we come to know Christ as our Saviour.Recently when a group from the church I attend met one morning for a breakfast fellowship.We shared different things,one brother said there was a time when he could not figure out how God could possibly hear all the millions of prayers coming to Him ,at the same time. But God can and does,not only hears bur answers our prayers.We can carry that on further,He knows everybodies thoughts,He see's everyone ,nothing is hidden from Him,He is the great inescapable one, God declares  in Jeremiah23 v 23-24 ,'I am God who is everywhere.........I am everywhere in  heaven and in earth'.Who can explian that great mystrey of the 'Holy Trinity'. it is impossible to understand the unchangeableness of God, that God is eternal,he always exsisted,he has no beginning and no ending and so we could go on.We can know God, I know God,hopefully you know Him.As I said at the beginning  when we trust Jesus as our Saviour,by simple faith,and we must continue to follow Him in simple faith,believing only what has been revealed to us from His word,and not stray from the revealed truth they're in.

                                                 'Dear God teach us to know that we

                                                  cannot know,for the things of  God

                                                  knoweth no man,but the Spirit of

                                                 God. Let faith support us where reason

                                                 fails,and we shall think because we 

                                                 believe,not in order that we may believe.

                                                                  In Jesus' name.

                                                            'A prayer by A.W.Tozer'




Sunday 25 August 2024

Have faith in God. ( Psalm 46 v 10)

 Let us look at the prayer that Jacob prayed in Genesis 32 v 9-12, he says to God,'But you have said ,''I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea,which cannot be counted'.He is saying hear I am and possible going to be annihilated by my brother,but you have said,you will bless me and prosper me.He is an honest man telling God he is afraid,so really he was asking God to honour His word and to save and deliver him.And so it came to pass,for we read in chap33 when Esau came he ran to to Jacob embraced him,throwing his arms around him and kissed him,Instead of hating ,he showed that he loved him,this was a wonderful answer to prayer,God was faithful as to what he had promised Jacob .Although Jacob had been very afraid,he sought God believing what God had said.Do not let feelings rule your life,(but let me add ,don't ignor if you feel unwell, go and see your doctor),but don't let feeling rule your life, feelings have a place in our lives,but so has faith,faith in relation to salvation, faith in relation to God's care ,protection and provision.Don't let fear drive you away from God, let it drive you to seek God in prayer, and as it did with Jacob .

                                                    'Teach me ,Lord, to understand

                                                     Even in the darkest night,

                                                     When storms are high and seas are wild,

                                                      Thy way is right.'

                                                                N R.Perry

Saturday 24 August 2024

Open our eyes Lord. ( Psalm 35 v 10 ) 2

 Here is Jacob ,in his own words,unworthy ,and little,he is afraid of what lies ahead,a vengeful brother, he would show no mercy to him or his family,so he cries unto God ,'Save me from my brother Esau'( Gen32 v 11),Jacob was a man in desperate straits.He reminds me of a man who was going to kill himself,when a voice cried out,'Don't harm yourself,' he went to where the voice came from,and fell trembling at the persons feet and asked ,'what must I  do to be saved?'. and he was told ,'Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved',and he did that (Acts 16 v31)Could it be that you are like that man, and  you feel like ending it all,don't do yourself any harm, believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. That's one very important apect of being saved.Let us turn to another,a life threatening situation recorded in 2 Kings 6 v 15-17. The enemies of Israel where surrounded by enemies,they had come to capture the prophet Elisha, when Elisha's servant saw the enemy forces,he cried out in despair'Oh no,my Lord! What shall we do?' Then Elisha prayed,'Open his eyes Lord, so that he may see,' Then the Lord opened the servants eyes, and he looked and saw the hill s full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha'. God who delivered Elisha ,would deliver Jacob,and can deliver you from the enemies that threaten you ,He most surely can deliver .

                                                     'If God be for us,who can be against us'

                                                                      Romans 8 v 31.

Friday 23 August 2024

No Giants ( Matthew 18 v 1 - 5) 1

 I want us to consider Jacob at a point when he was scared out of his wits,believing his brother Esau was coming to kill him and his family.( Read about t in Genesis 32.), .So he prayed  to God who had promised to look after him, he declares to God, 'I am unworthy',Jacob speaks for all of us,for we are all unworthy, we have no merits to claim befor God,He owe's us nothing,so it is when we come to God  seeking  His help we  are asking for His mercy to help us. Leupold points out that  ,'I am worthy can mean ,'I am little'.or I have always been little and still am'. I have a book called,'Four Spiritual Giants'. they never said that they were siritual giants.If we were able to ask them  , I'm sure they would  deney they were spiritual giants,and rightly so.It is the humble God chooses,it is the weak that God uses,it is the nobodies that God uses.Their greatness come from God,their strength comes from God,their holiness comes from God.Here is Jacob soon to be called Israel,and he says, 'I am unworthy, I am little,I have always been little,and  still am,'

                                                     'Just as I am without one plea,  

                                                      But that Thy blood was shed for me

                                                     And that Thou bidd'st me ome to Thee,

                                                     O Lamb of God I come!.

                                                           Words Charlotte Elliott.



Thursday 22 August 2024

Are you being tested? ( Deuteronomy 13 v 3)

 Abraham and  Sarah had to wait 25yrs for the promise child to,be born,the moment of his coming was in God's hands.So when it happened what absolute joy must have filled their hearts,Oh the love that was shown  to that long awaited child. Of course this was not the end of the story,God was to bring a challenge to Abraham,a very extreme challenge . In Genesis 22v 1 we read,'God tested Abraham, this is what he said to him,'Take your son, your only son,whom you love,and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him  there as a burnt offering on a mountain that I will show you'.Just reading those words,I can imagine if I was in  Abahams place it would have taken my breath away.Abraham loved his son,could it be that he loved him to much?. Consider the following words spoken by our Saviour,'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind'.(Matthew 22 v37) Could this have been the reason why God tested Abraham?,would he pass the test?,the answer is yes.he would,what would  we do if God tested us?.Remember the words spoken to Peter ny our Saviour,'do you love me more than these'.We often play a game with our Children,and say ,how much do you love Me. and they strertch out their arms ,Let me ask a question how much do we love God?.

                                                   ' The dearest idol I have known,

                                                      Whate'er that idol be,

                                                      Help me to tear it from Thy throne

                                                      And worship onlyThee.'

                                                            William Cowper

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Unshakable Faith. ( Hebrews 10 v 23)

He had at last got everything he wanted ,a son, a special son, promised to him by God,that through his seed all the nations on earth would be blessed.( Genesis 22 v 18)   It seemed that it was never going to happen,he reached the ripe old age of one hundred,and his wife was ninety , the promised  child had still not being born,But we read ,'Against all hope he believed. He did not waver through unbelief......being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He promised.' (Romans 4) Of course we are talking about Abraham,yes father Abraham,that wonderful man of faith,who never give up believing. Whenever God gives us a promise, He will fulfill it,nothing can stop that promise from happening,when He says it ,it is a done deal. God is not a man that he should lie(Numbers 23 v19), no ,He alays keeps His word.,He will never break His word,no matter what it takes,no matter about the difficulties.Like Abraham that great man of faith,we declare that when  He makes a promise,'it shall be done,it shall come to pass'.                                       

                                            'God keeps His promises,His word never fails,

                                            His promises He keeps,right down to the detail.

                                            Promises of  comfort, when trials we face,

                                            Promises of new mercy, and sufficent grace.'

                                                            Deborah Ann Belka.


Tuesday 20 August 2024

No one is innoncent,and it shows. ( Romans 3 v 10 -23 )

We live in a fallen world,no one is perfect,everyone is a sinner,  do we take that fact it in?,to what extent does this affect the inhabitants of planet earth?.Take 9/11 when  two planes  were hijacked by adherent of Islam and crashed them into the 'Twin Towers'. Lets go further back to Nazi Germany and all the things they did, is there any logical explanation?.Just recently a seventeen old lad  attacked mothers and childen with a knife seriousally wounding and killing those present.Again we ask the question,why?it makes no sense if you leave out the fact that being sinners,with a fallen nature  we will manifest that reality in a mulitude of ways ,some  extremly frightening. The word of God tells us that one aspect of our fallen nature is violence (Romans 3 v 15)Think of how many wars there have been,how many murders have been committed,it appears that for many violence is just below the surface,and can erupt at anytime  for a multitute of reasons.I have touched on one aspect of our fallen nature.In all of us there lies a fallen nature with the potential to committ all sorts of evil.I heard recently that one countries goverment is concerned  with aspects of the Bible ,because of the word sin.Words of a poem by Rudyard Kipling expresses this veiw.
                                           'Ship me somewhere east of Suez
                                            where the best is like the worst
                                            Where there are no ten commandments,
                                             And man can raise a thirst'
Why ? because men love darkness instead of  light because their deeds are evil. Everyone who does evil  hates the light, and will not come to the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.(John 3 v 19 -20)

Monday 19 August 2024

My Garden ( Isaiah 40 v 29 - 31 )

 I have just come in from my garden,it is lovely to sit in it and enjoy it,and its one the places were I talk to God,and am reminded of a favourite hymn of mine.Some people for whatever reason don't like  this song,but I have always loved it,it's called,' In the Garden',it is about meeting and having fellowship with God. It reminds me of our first parents whom God placed in a garden and met with His children(Genesis3 v8)how wonderful that must have been.My son Brian was speaking as regards communion with God ,having a quite time, and he asked the question ,'where is your garden?',what he was stressing was the importance of meeting with God.Most of my prayer time is intercession,but it also includes worship and talking to God,my time in the garden this morning was very precious and very sweet, I  even sang  part  of that song,here are some of the words'And the joy we share as we tarry there,none other has ever known'.But we cannot always stay in the garden,our Saviour before He faced His ordeal went to a garden to pray,He felt overwhelmed, and we read an angel came and strengthened Him( Lke 22 v 43 ).As we follow Jesus the challenge is great and demanding,we cannot stay in our garden wherever that may be,But as Jesus was strengthened so God will strenthen us in our waiting upon Him ,to face the challenges that we have before us.  

Sunday 18 August 2024

Heavenly Minded . ( Reveation 2 v 1 v 4 ) 2

When Paul writes that we are to set our hearts on things above,where is Christ is seated, and that we are to have our minds on things above,not on earthly things,he is writing to Christians,to not let earthly things draw them away from God.It was the devil who offered our dear Lord all earth's kingdons,and their glories if only he would worship him,but the Lord refused ( Matthew 4 v 9ff) So we must not be enticed by what the devil  offers,and we can be,we can soon leave our first love Jesus ,for lesser things.Charles Swindoll writes the following,'When we fully comprehend the tempory and tentative nature of the current age,wise Chriatians seek to invest time in eternal matters'. Believers must always keep a balance ,'and not be enslaved to marriage, mourning, merrymaking,msrketing, and material things' ( 1 Corinthians 7 v 29-31) 

                                         'Remember all that we see with our natural
                                          sight is temporal,let them  not cause us to 
                                          loose sight of the eternal glories that shine

Saturday 17 August 2024

Heavnly Minded ( Colossians 3 v 1-2) 1

There is a saying ,that being to heavenly minded,has the affect upon us ,of making us, no eatthly good ', Is that true? so I wonder why we are exhorted,'To set our hearts on things above,where Christ is ,and to set our minds on things above,not on earthly things'.(Colossians 3 v 1- 2) We must be a heavenly minded people,it is not that the things of this world are not important,but they should not be the all important think.The non -Christian sets their hearts and minds totally on things of this life with hardly a thought for God, He is relegated to a very minor place in their lives,they don't involve Him in their decision making, planning,or whatever,Being heavenly minded does not mean  we don't care  for this world and it's inhabitants, and its suffering.What evidence have I to show that this is true?.So here is some of the evidence,'The Salvation Army,The Medical Missionary News,Stand by Me,the Missionary Aviation Fellowship,These are all involved in giving help  to thousands and thousands of people,I believe they are only the tip of the iceberg.being heavenly minded will not take us  away from helping and loving people.

Friday 16 August 2024

Humility. (Philippianns 2 v 5-11)

  There should never be any false humility in our Christian lives,one example of false humility was the character in Charles Dickens novel 'David Copperfield' ,Uriah Heep, he is remembered by the words,'I'm ever so humble',of course he was  anything but that, he is described as having a false humility,but one who was bitter and vengeful,a demonis character.That's a extreme example,or is it,Hitler boasted that the Third Reich would last a thousand years,it lasted 12 yrs, King Nebuchadnezzar full of pride  boasted of all he had done ,God immediatley dealt with him,and humbled him (Daniel 4 v28 ff. But of course pride is not only found in the great and mighty,we are all prone to be proud,proud of our accoplisments,and our possessions,our gifts,and a multitude of other things. The first sermon I preaced when I came to England  was Micah 6 v 8, 'He has shown you,O mortal , what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? . To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God'. We are told,'God opposes the proud but shows favour to the humble (James 4 v 6) And it was John Bunyan in his wonderful book 'Pilgrins Progress,wrote of the valley of humiliation,he went on to write.

                                            'He that is down needs fear no fall,

                                             He that is humble, no pride,

                                              He that is humble  ever shall 

                                               have God to be His guide'.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Failure ( Proverb 24 v 16)

 Richard Nixion visited J F.Kennedy after the failed attempt by Cuban exiles to overthrow the Castro goverment,it is remembered as the Bay of Pigs invasion.R. N,described Kennedy as being very agitated, RN said as he listened to him he realized that this was a man who never experienced failure,this was the first time he had experinced  the firey ordeal of failure. Failure comes to all of us ,often more than once, Failures can be devastating,a failed marriage,a failed career,a failed driving test, a failure in not being able to have children,and so we could go on .Someone has said that failure is not fatal,but for some it feels that way. There are plenty of failures in the Bible,but God didn't give up on them,take Peter ,he failed big time,but Christ did not give up in him. read John 21v 15- 17 ). The important thing to remember is that none of God's children are perfect,the next important thing to remember is, not to give up,that can be a  bigger failure None of us like failing,when I was young I didn't like vegetables but vegetables are good for us.Romans 8 v28 tells us that God causes everything to work together for our good,yes even failures.God our great teacher wants us to learn valuable lesson,like pricking the bubble of pride,that exsists in all our hearts,so that we may be more humble , and be less independant and more dependent on our Saviour,also we can have a deeper appreciation for those who fail and be more sympathetic towards them..

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Growing .( Romans 8 v 28)

 Ronald Regan came across as a lovely man he had a great sense of humour,he also made very wise quotations,here is one, 'Growth does not come in your comfort zone'.  Romans 5 v 3 -4  reads,'We glory in tribulations,knowing that tribulation produces perseverance,and perseverance character; and character hope'.From the moment Paul became a Christian it doesn't appear he had a comfort zone,he had so many trials ,read his life,and the list of things he suffered, in all those things he never became bitter,he would look at such things not with the natural reasoning,but with a spiritual  understanding,which he passed on to the church of Christ,to you and to me.John Stott  commenting on Rom5 v 3-4,writes,'That we are not meant to merely endure suffering with a stoic fortitude,we are to rejoice in them.This is not masochism,however, the sickness of finding pleasure in pain. It is rather that there is a divine rationale brhind suffering. First, suffering is the one and only path to glory......Suffering can lead to maturity and can be very productive,if we respond to it positively,and not with anger or bitterness'.

                                                    'Suffering is not accidental,always 

                                                     remember God is sovereign,who

                                                     tells us that everything is working

                                                     for our good'



Tuesday 13 August 2024

Escapism ( Luke 15 v 11 ff)

An actress asked herself a question,as to why a certain TV series she acted in was so popular?,here is her answer,''Its escapism. That was important in lockdown,but its still the case- the world hasn't got any better,has it?''I think it's true,when I was a little boy I loved the cinema,I even remember thinking,how wonderful to actually live in the was all escapism.Looking  back on my childhood I cannot remember my father being violent,but my brothers and sister remembered .My mother left him ,with my brother, sister and me,life was difficult ,I suppose being very young I  could not process what was happening,and so I pushed it away. And so the cinema became my place of escape,that's the way it was for me,and for many people.The world has not got any better,the words of a song that was once popular,goes,  'Make the world go away',but of course it won't'.Some religious groups who profess to be Christians,teach that being a Christian ,will bring you wealth,health,  and prosperity,now that's escapisim ,but it's not what the Word of God teaches.Christianty is an escapism ,from what? well when we trust Christ as our Saviour, we escape the guilt of our sins,we escape sins power,and the consequences of our sins.Yes in the world we  will have tribulation,we will have trials,but by God's amazing grace we will be victorious.

Monday 12 August 2024

An open door.( 1 Corinthians 16 v9 /2 Cor 2 v12 )

 As I was leaving the fellowship I attend, the door gently opened to let me out,those who had previously left the building before me,must not have shut it probably the wind must have blown it open.It amused me,but it caused me to think of the words of our Saviour in Revelation 3 v8 ,spoken to the  church in Philadelphia,it reads,,'See I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you hsave little strength,yet you have my word and not denied my name'.They appeared to be facing difficulties and Christ exhorts them to hold on ,right through his words to the church,our Lord says ,'I will',six times.What ever difficulties they were going to face the Lord was assuring them that He would be with them,and they could go forward with confidence,be it missionary endevour or whatever.It is an open door which no power on earth or hell can shut,so they can go forward  in their Christian life and in their Christian service in the knowledge that if God be for them who can be against them. 

                                         'When the King in His power,opens the way of

                                    usefulness,not all the powers of earth or hell can close it.

                                                              James  B. Ramsey.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Who Rules? ( Ephesians 2 v1-10)

 Who rules is important,and the importance of how they rule,modern governments are led by certain principals and beliefs.The Italian diplomat of the 16th century Nicolo  Machiavelli  wrote a book that has influenced rulers, it is called 'The Prince',it could be seen as an instruction model  to those in power . The  main point it sought to make was the idea of, 'the greater good, 'It is said that Stalin slept with a volume of that book under his pillow. he took ,'the greater good idea to evil extremes.The Nazi government ruled by evolutionary teaching,which highlights the survival of the fittest ,we owe a lot to Darwin,tell that to the millions who have been brutally murdered . Yes who rules is important,and to those governments mentioned they were awful,they are not on their own .As we look at humanity what rule could we say was ,and is, awful,beyond words?,Satan and sin. From the moment God created us, Satan became our enemy seeking our destruction ,oh yes he is a defeated foe,but he still is active,he is called the god of this world, blinding the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel. (2  Corinthians 4 v 4.) In our unsaved state we are ruled by sin and all the terrible consequences of that ,for time and for eternity.(John 8 v 34) But here is the good news Christ Jesus came into the world to save,sinners,and on the cross He won the victory, over death sin and Satan.When we trust Jesus as ones Saviour, death will not have the final say,sin will be forgiven and we will be free from it's power,likewise Satan's power over us will be finished.Indeed when  Satan knocks of the door of our hearts,and asks who rules ,we can reply 'JESUS'.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Predestination ( Romans 10 v 14 -15 )

 On writing in his commentary on a very controversial  subject,predestination  John Stott  gives 5 examples of why people don't agree with it,'It fosters arrogance,uncertainty,apathy ,fosters complacency,and lastly  narrow -mindedness' Let me say this predestination is continually declared throughout the Bible, Israel were a  chosen people Deuteronomy 7 v7,our dear Saviour said to his disciples ,'You did not choose me,but I  chose you' John 15 v 16.Writing to the saints at Ephesus ,Paul wrote,'For He chose us in Him before the creation  of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love, He predestined us for the adoption to sonship  through Jesus Christ,in accordance with His pleasure and will'.(1v 4-5)  People who hold to predestination are Calvinist in other words they fall in with the teaching of John Calvin. Spurgeon  was a Calvinist but he was not a Hyper-Calvinist it was they who opposed William Carey going to India as a missionary he was  told  that God didn't need him to do His work. That did not stop him from going,and he became known as the father of modern missions.Coming back to Spurgeon  he was opposed by the Hyper -Calvinist but their opposition  did not stop him in his great work,when many thousands came to know Christ. Yes God will save  His elect,but  that  does not rule out evangelism,and urging souls to come to Christ, in fact  we must or we will be held accountable.

Friday 9 August 2024

Dying grace (2 Timothy 4 v17)

 One of the songs sung in the 1936 movie ,'Show Boat', by that wonderful singer Paul Robeson was 'OI' Man River,',it has the following words in it, 'I get weary and sick of trying, I'm tired of living and scared of dying',  The last words ,'scared of dying',is a reminder that death can be a fearful thing.we live in a time when people live just for here and now. If a person is dying without Christ they should be fearful, for after death there comes judgement,but for the Christian  heaven beckon's,no judgement awaits in relation to hell for  the child of God,it is absent from the body and present with the Lord ( 2 Corinthians 5 v 8) So that should quite all our fears,after all we are all familer with  those words from the 23rd Psalm v 4, 'Even though I walk through the valley of shadow of death,I will fear no evil,for you are with me'.Yet for some Christians death strikes fear in to them, the hymn writer touches on this,when he writes,'When I tread the verge of Jordon,bid my anxious fears subside'.We must not judge people who struggle with the thought of death,but it does raise a question,how to cope with our mortality,you cannot win that argument,we are going to die,and so it is we must hold on loosely to the things of this life.We are told to set our hearts  on things  above where Christ is (Colossians 3 v 2),how often do we think of heaven?,what do we value the most?, Here is what is important,our God who grants us grace for living, will surely grant us grace for dying,

Thursday 8 August 2024

Don't worry.( Matthew 24 v 4 - 31)

 Hitler and the toxic cloud  of anti- Semitism was spreading across  Germany, a Jewish lady who lived in neighbouring Austria said,'Surely it could not affect them in Liberal  Vienna'.How wrong she was for in a very short time Hitlers hoards invaded Austria,and that was that.When Russia invaded Ukraine the head  of the Unoited Nations,was heard to say,'this should not be happening in the  21st century'.It was our Saviour who said that you will hear of  wars and rumors of wars,that nations will rise against nations,and  kingdom against kingdom.( Matthew 24 v 6-7) .When a gastly crime happens in some quite areas,people are amazed that such things should happen in what they thought was their nice safe little heidi ho. Why does it happen?,why can't we have peace? indeed why,well sad to say it will never happen,wishing will not change things,yes no Genie will grant us three wishes,that the bad things will go away.The fall of humanity  will continue and that means unabated ,no one can change that.So don't be surprised ,keep on praying ,trusting and looking for the return of our long awaited Saviour.Remember what our dear Saviour said, 'See to it ,that you are not alarmed.

                                                        'Even so Lord Jesus, come'

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Theology ( 2 Timothy 3 v 16- 17 )

 Theology matters,many people do no think they should get involved in Theology,which literally means, 'thinking about God,studying about Him and what the word of God teaches as regards doctrine. They would say it's not for them ,leave it to the academics,the so scholars for a great period of the churches history that's what people were told, and so they did just that. unfortunately those so called scholars betrayed the trust given to them,by adding to God's word,things that were contrary to God's word'They denied God's people the right to study God's word,and forbidding them to own a copy of God's word.William Tyndale 'God's outlaw', was put to death for translating  the scriptures into English.He is reputed to have said,of the so called Christian leaders of his day ''If God spared his life the boy at the plough , would know more of the scriptures than they did ,''If we do not get a grasp of God's word we will find ourselves in real difficulties ,as regards the truth,as it is only that, that can set us free,and we may never get to know more about Him who is the Way, the Truth,and the Life.'( John 14 v6 ).

                                         'Let us read the Bible,study the Bible ,

                                          and live it out, in our daily lives'.


Tuesday 6 August 2024

The Honesty of the Bible ( John 14 v6 ) 3

 Here is a question ,what is one of the first things a  totalitarian state do when they get into power,they control the media,and tell a lot lies.It was Joseph Goebbels who told what has become known as ,'The big Lie',It reads like this,'If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,people will eventially come to believe it'.Their history will only reveal their supposed successes,not there blemishes,their wicked deeds,and failures.When we come to the Bible we come to the most honest book ever written,yes there  are many wonderful people mentioned in it like the warrior king David,who wrote all those wonderful Psalms,a man after God's own heart,but it also tells us of his darker side,his adultery and callousness.Then there was Solomon  with all his God given wisdom,and all his riches and power,but it doesn't leave out his gross folly.It dosen't excuse or overlook them or make light of them, they are judged,for God is no respecter of their persons.The bible tells us  honestly how things are  ,peoples shortcomings and failures.Recently I spoke to a young married man who pointed out  peoples devious ways,and I asked why that was,he did not come up with a satisfactory answer,and I give him the Bibles answer, sin,yes thats is an honest answer,,Many people came to Christ and he always told them the truth,even though they didn't  like what he said. It is only the truth,that helps people,painful though it is,Read the Bible  it will not tell you what you want to hear,but what you need to hear.Here is what our Saviour said ,the truth will set you free,the truth that is revealed in Himself.

Monday 5 August 2024

The Frailty of God's Saints .( 1 Corinthians 1 v 1 -31} 2

We aare told that God chose the weak things of this world (1 Corinthians 1 v 27),if that is true then we shound not be surprised whan they manifest frailities ,that means they are not strong,cannot endure strain ,or pressure. God did not  choose one whom you would pick to play on your team. The 12 disciples were not so great,in fact they were pretty awful at times,why did God do that?,very simple answer,'so no one could boast before Him (1 Cor 1 v 20) I  saw a photo of my old principal ,a  Mr Malone,I liked him,a friend told me he spoke to him at a class reunion,and he told him I was a minister,and he said,'I didn't think that I would ever amount to anything.' Glad he had a nice opinion about me,I understand what he meant,I didn't do very well school,in fact I didn't lkie school. But when one comes to know Jesus ,then things can change for the better for us failures and frail people.When you come to know Jesus things can change for the better, we can become winners, yet we still fail.The word of God say's do no despise the day of small things,and\ don't despise the frail people of this world if you are one of them, I am. Yes the saints of God are frail,but I like what Proverbs 24 v16 say's,'For though the righteous fall seven times(yes us failures) they rise again'.   



Sunday 4 August 2024

Mercy. ( Ephesians 2 v 4 - 5 )1

 It is Leupold who mentions 3 very important things,(1) The Greatness of God's mercy. ( 2)The Frailty of  God's saints. ( 3 ) The Honesty of  the Bible.Everyone has a story to tell .as to how God saved them,they all have one thing in common, God's mercy. No one no  matter who they are,no matter how young or old they are,it is God's mercy that saves them,There are no exceptions to the rule, be it a child or an adult, be they the worst of sinners,or  some who appeared to be morally upright,morally upright does not change a thing,they are still sinners for all that, and if the they are going to be saved they still stand in need of the mercy of God. How do we receive mercy?by seeking forgiveness,repenting,and trusting Jesus as one's Saviour,it's as simple as that.

                                                'Oh! the love that drew salvations plan,

                                                Oh! the grace that brought it down to man,

                                                 Oh! the mighty gual that God did span

                                                                  At  Calvary.

                                                 Mercy there was great, and gace was free,

                                                 Pardon there was multiplied to me,

                                                 There my burden soul found liberty

                                                                    At Calvary.

Saturday 3 August 2024

He is coming,it is coming. (2 Thessalonians 1 v 5 -10) 5

 Here is something I have never realised, Enoch was a prophet, he hasn't left us a book like the other prophets,instead we have two verses in that little book of Jude v 14 -15.These two verses have a very important message for us, here are the opening words ,'Enoch ,the seventh from Adam'. So he was a genuine historical character, the is not about myths,or fictitious characters,it is about real living people living out real lives. Inspired by God the Holy Spirit he prophesied as regards  the end times of humanity on planet earth. Here is what he has to say,'See the Lord is  is coming ',I am sure like me you have listened to a clock ticking,with every tick ,the moment of our Lord's coming back is drawing nearer. He is not on His own,He, the Lord comes with thousands upon thousands of His  holy ones', Remember Jesus said ,'I will come back',(John 14 v 3),He keeps His word,who are those holy ones? it would appear to be the angels (2 Thessalonians 1 v7)  but it could be the saints also      ( 1  Thess 4 v 14)He is coming with a purpose, to convict and punish the ungodly.,Norman Barr describes them as being',destitute of reverential awe towards God'.If sinners have not been forgiven, sinners will be judged .It could be that preachers  that don't preach Christ coming ,are not happy with Christ as a judge.Happy does not come into it ,like it or not ,judgement is coming, one better be ready before it is to late. 

                                                          At His call the dead awake,

                                                          Rise to life from earth and sea;

                                                           All the powers of nature,shaken

                                                           By His looks,prepare to flee;

                                                                    careless sinner

                                                           What will then become of thee?'   (Words John Newton)

Friday 2 August 2024

They didn't die. ( 1Thessalonians 4 v 13- 18 ) Enoch 4

 In  Hebrews 11 v 5 we have a fuller account of Enoch than we have in Genesis  ,we read that he never experienced death,it is interesting that there are only two people who never  experienced death.Enoch and Elijah (2 Kings 2).Yes we do read of those who died and were brought back to life.but that was only a temporary  experience.Both those two godly men were raptured ,taken right up into heaven.What joy and ecstasy must have filled their hearts,now these two men's experience points us to that day when Christ comes back,we read about it in 1 Thessalonians 4 v13 -18.What a day that will be,though we don't know when for the  secret things belong unto God,it is secret known only to Him'  Deuteronomy 29 v29,That's His secret ,so many Christians concot so many ideas as to when Christ is coming  ,and those ideas become a problem bringing division to the body of Christ.Then you have those who  don;t mention Christ's coming again,why ?we will touch on that next time.Yes it will be wonderful when our Saviour comes again, it could happen in our time , that would be wonderful,the hymn writer H.L. Turner wrote the following.

                                            0h, joy! oh, delight ! should we go without dying;

                                            No sickness, no sadness,no dread and no crying;

                                            Caught up through the clouds with our Lord into glory

                                            When Jesus receives '' His own.'

Thursday 1 August 2024

Remember Lot's wife. ( 2 Timothy 4 v 10 ) 2

 When judgement fell on Sodom and Gomorrah,Lots wife perished, consider why she perished,the answer is ,she disobeyed God.Genesis (19 v17) yes she looked back,We are not told why she looked back,possible her heart was there, that was the fault of Isreal when they were delivered  out of Egypt,it appears for some their hearts were still in Egypt (Exodus 16 v 3 /Numbers 14 v1-4). When you start following Jesus ,there has to be a  decisiveness,and must be decisiveness,there should be no turning back,and indeed no looking back,for then you may want to go back.Jesus said,'' take up your cross and follow Me',yes in spite of the difficulties,lonliness,and challenges.The very nature of those words are a sharp reminder that following Him can truly cost. Our Saviour said ,'No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.(Luke 9 v 62)When I used to visit some elderly people,they dwelt very much on the past,we can understand that, but we must  not live in the past.Someone said,'The Christian marches on,not to the sunset,but to the dawn.The watchword of the Kingdom of God is not,''Backwards'', but,'' forwards ''.