verse of the day

Wednesday 7 December 2016

We prayed. [ Acts 12 v12 ]

We prayed. A fellow Christian has Parkinson, when my wife called to see  his wife, she was distressed, her husband was not responding in her efforts to wake him up. My wife phoned me asking me to inform the prayer chain that is set up in our fellowship. This I did and of course I prayed for him, later in the morning ,my wife and I called to see them, and the good news was ,the brother was awake, and reasonably bright, I heard the lady saying that it was an answer to prayer. We prayed,have faith, yes ,faith when you pray, that God hears and answers our prayers. I know there are things we pray about and they are not answered, or so it appears, but the fact is this, we are encouraged and challenged to pray, and keep praying, trusting God whose ways are perfect, and one who will never cause his children to shed a needless tear. So keep on praying,and when we get to heaven we will be surprised to discover just how many times God has intervened, on behalf of others, because we prayed.

                                       By Thy birth,Thy cross,Thy passion,
                                       By Thy tears of deep compassion,
                                       By Thy mighty intercession,
                                       Lord and Saviour,help us.
                                        [Words Henry Alford ]

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