verse of the day

Thursday 10 November 2016

Running on empty. [Galations 5 v 16- 26 ]

In writing to Christians at Ephesous,Paul prays ,that they may be strengthened with power through  Gods Spirit in their inner being. [ 3 v16 ]I was thinking this morning how we live two lives,the outward and the inner one.The one everyone can see,then the one no one can see except God,we rarely neglect our outward man,in good ways and bad ways,The good is when we eat the right things,exercise,get the right amount of sleep,etc.The bad  is when we continually over eat,we take drugs,etc,etc,I am sure you get the picture.Paul speaks of our inner being,that we may know that inner strength and power, that alone comes from Gods Spirit,we will not get this in a gym,or from a bowl of cornflacks.As H.Moule puts it,this is not surface work,this goes beyond the physical,this is a  spiritual reality.Many of us run on empty,as we face each day,but it need not be that way ,ask and you shall receive.
                                              A  prayer.
Dear God ,thank you that you dwell in our hearts,forgive us for neglecting you,so we pray in your mercy fill our lives ,with your  Spirits presence,and power, in Jesus name Amen.

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