verse of the day

Friday 4 November 2016

Encouragement . [Matthew 7 v 7-8 ]

John Calvin said, ''Certainly anyone who wants to be a good teacher ought
to treat his pupils in such a way as always to encourage rather than discourage them.There is nothing that has a greater effect in  alienation us
from listening to teaching them to see that we are thought of as hopeless''.
This is so true ,lets face it we all need encouragement,at times,the nature of life ,is uncertain,and filled with a multitude of situations that can throw us,
and what we desperately need is words of encouragement.Are you facing
difficulties,feeling isolated and alone?well here is the good news,you are not alone,there is one with,who is there to help you,his name is Jesus,He is with you right now.Next what is the difficulty you are facing? ,are you
overwhelmed?,let me remind you,that the one who is with you ,can help you.What about tomorrow?yes what about tomorrow,He will not run away from you,no he will stick by you come what may,and he gentle reminds you that ,it is one day at a time. Your part in all this ,is simple,trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding,in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.[Proverbs 3 v5-6 ]

                                   Be strong and of good courage
                                   ......For the Lord your God is
                                   with you wherever you go.
                                         [Joshua 1 v9 ]

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