verse of the day

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Amazing Grace. [ Ephesians 2 v 1 -10 ]

                                      John Newton
                                      [1785-1807 ]
                         Once an infidel and libertine
                         A servant of slaves in Africa.
                         By the rich mercy of our Lord
                         and Saviour Jesus Christ.
                         Preserved,restored ,pardoned.
So reads the words on his gravestone,he lost his mother when he was six,his
father was a sea captain,and eventually he joined the Navy.For a great deal of his life he was involved in the slave trade,even after his first religious experience,but eventually the reality of his faith in Christ took hold,and he became an opponent of the slave trade.He even wrote a booklet on its evils,which became very popular.  He served as a Church of England priest,was a popular minister,friends of William Wilberforce,and William Cowper.He passed into the presence of his Saviour at the age of 82.

                       Amazing grace,how sweet the sound
                       That saved a wretched like me
                       I once was lost but now an found;
                       Was blind but now I see.

                       Twas grace that taught my heart
                       to fear,
                       And grace my fears relieved;
                       How precious did that grace appear
                       The hour I first believed.

                       Through many dangers,toils,and snares
                       I have already come;
                       Tis grace has brought me safe thus far.
                       And grace will lead me home.

                       The Lord has promised good to me,
                       His word my hope secures;
                       He will my shield and Portion be,
                       As long as life endures.

                       Yes when this flesh and heart
                       shall fail,
                       And mortal life shall cease,
                       I shall possess within the veil
                       A life of joy and peace.

                      When we've been there a thousand
                      Bright shining as the sun,
                      We've  no less days to sing God's praise
                      Than when we first begun.

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