verse of the day

Thursday 3 December 2015

Keep on praying. [ Philippians 4 v 6 ]

I cannot stress enough the importance of prayer,especially for our unsaved children.Recently I was speaking to Christian lady,she mentioned that her sons were not saved.She mentioned something very unusual, about one of her sons,that when he was four he lost his grandfather,this effected him greatly.One day she saw him lying out in the garden it was summer,he was looking up into the sky,and was saying ,were are you granddad?.From that point on he became a atheist,he is now a grown man,and he is still an atheist.For his Christian parents this is a cause for concern,I  have a friend who often mentions his concern for his two unsaved grandchildren.So be it your children or your grandchildren,who are not saved,pray.The conversion of Hudson Taylor is remarkable,he was staying with his sister,at that time his Mother was 50miles away. She was concerned about Hudson,so she went into her room and prayed for his conversion.Meanwhile at that time as she was praying,Hudson began reading a gospel tract,and the result he became a Christian. His mothers prayer was answered,mother, father,pray and keep praying for your children's salvation.
                                                  A  prayer.
Dear God we bring our unsaved children and grandchildren to you,have mercy and save them through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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