verse of the day

Wednesday 2 December 2015

A time of promise [ Genesis 3 v15 ]

We have entered into that period of the year which is called advent,oh no  I hear some cry,shopping,writing out Christmas cards etc.I understand but let us all step back from that and remember what it is really about. Well it is about a time of promise,a promise of God sending His son into the world,
when into the darkness of a world lost and lonely,the light of the world would enter.With His coming this world would be changed,men and women would find hope,in their hopelessness,they would find faith instead of
emptiness,they would find and experience that most precious gift love.They would find meaning,in a world without meaning,forgiveness for sins,the burden of guilt would be lifted from their heavy hearts.They would find joy
instead of sadness,death need no longer be feared,it would be conquered.
All this and more would come because of advent when a little child would be born,and a child who was none other than the Son of God. His name was
Jesus and He and he alone would save us from our sin,yes advent is a time of  promise.
                                           A  prayer.
Dear God ,for Jesus the promised one we thank you,and pray that many will even yet come to know Him. Amen.

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