verse of the day

Friday 26 November 2010

Uncertain riches. [Luke 16 v16-21 ]

I just saw on the news that a pensioner lost 80 thousand pound, he had put it on the roof of his car,it was his lifes saving, I do feel for him. Yet this story illustrates the truth being taught in 1Timothy 6v17 , of not trusting in uncertain riches, money is like many things , here today gone tomorrow. A few years ago I was talking to my cousin who lives in Dublin, the Irish economy was thriving, and He mentioned how people were just focused on that, they were living just at the level of financial gain. What the vast majority of people where doing was trusting in uncertain riches,now what have they got ?,a country on the brink of financial meltdown. No matter who we are let us learn the important lesson of not trusting in uncertain riches. Our Saviour told the story of a rich farmer who trusted in uncertain riches, and in a moment he lost all, and God called that man a fool,Christians need to remind themselves continually ,that God is their security, and if we are not Christians, to realize the folly of living just on a material level, Jesus said what does it profit a man if they gain the whole world and loose their souls[ Matthew 16 v25 ff] [Dear God help me never to loose sight ,that my security is in you, and You alone, and in knowing Jesus as my Saviour Amen ]

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