verse of the day

Thursday 18 November 2010

I forgot.[ Psalm 137 ]

As I was looking at things on my PC ,I forgot about the bread I had put under my grill, I rushed to retrieve it,fortuonately it had not reached the burnt offering stage, so I was still able to eat it,and I enjoyed it. It brought to mind a certain English king who burnt some cakes,forgetting is something we all do, I have a good excuse being a senior citizen.Israel is warned by Moses not to forget [Deuteronomy 4v9], unfortuonately their history was one of forgetting, God and His commandments ,so God had to deal with them continually. Our Saviour told us to remember Him in communion, in breaking of bread and drinking of wine, have you done this recently?. One of the reasons I cannot stay in my present church,is I do not believe that people should be barred from the table because they have not been immmersed in water, now of course I am a Baptist, but I recognise that many people who are not immersed,are Christians, just as much as I am, and they have a right to remember their Lord, as He commanded.I believe that as the hymn writer puts it,that, we can make Gods Love to narrow by false limits of our own, and we magnify His srictness with a zeal He will not own. [ Dear God help me not to forget You ,and help me to not put barriers up in relation to other Christians, in Jesus name Amen ]

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