verse of the day

Saturday 27 November 2010

Give thanks.[ Ephesians 5 v20]

Sometimes we forget to say thank you, especially to God, it is legitimate to ask, but it is important to say thank you, to Him. Stop for a moment this day and say ,thank You God, for Jesus , think of all we have been blessed through Him, Chosen,forgiven, a relationship with God,justified, a reciever of the grace of God, the mercy of God, a home in Heaven, saved from Hell. Then there are the blessings in life, food ,fresh drinking water,no shortage, clothes ,shoes,a bit of money, holidays, the ability to do so many things. Then there is Gods protection , and so it goes on, and on ,and on, I know there are the difficulties in life, but I also know that all things, let me repeat this, all things , are working together for the child of Gods good, so today let us lift our voices, and hearts and say ,thank You God . [Dear God we raise our hearts and voices to You in thanksgiving,for loving us, and blessing us in Jesus. Amen ]

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