verse of the day

Saturday 20 November 2010

Comfort zones. [ Deuteronomy 32 v 9 -12 ]

A bit foggy last night here, sometimes life is like a fog, we cannot see anything because of circumstances, or things dont appear very clear,its a bit like that at this time for me, as I will leave my present church at the end of December. I keep trying to peer into the future ,will I cease to minister on a regular bases?what church will I attend? at this time all is like a dense fog, and I am trying to stay calm. I read this recently,/ God requires His followers ,and those who seek Him, to step outside of their comfort zones.[From a Poem a day]Many of Gods servants had their comfort zones, and were reluctant to step out of them,Moses, Jonah, Jeremiah, Peter and many others, we are no different than them, we have our comfort zones. At this time I am being pushed out my comfort zone,again another quote from ,a poem a day,/ May we never allow security to hinder our obedience to God.[ Dear Lord help me to move in obediece to Your will, help me see that I must not cling to anything other than You, for only in You ,and in Your will is true security,Amen]

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