verse of the day

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Who knows best?..[ Matthew 6 v25-34 ]

One the responsibilities of being a parent is guiding them, and helping them,
and trying to equip them for adulthood. We by our example, and words seek to help them to develop as they grow up. Often we do know what is best for
our children, although not always, but we love them and try our best. The fact is, there are no perfect parents, but one thing for sure, as Gods children we have a loving heavenly Father, who always knows what is best for His children. God always knows what is best for His children. We can fully trust his judgement, He is perfect in knowledge and wisdom,and He always
acts from a heart of love, always. Unlike us, our knowledge as a parent is imperfect ,He knows us fully, there is nothing hidden from Him,our knowledge of our children is imperfect, not so Gods. No matter how drastic and incomprehensible His dealing with His children, it is always best. Simple put ,our loving heavenly Father always knows what is best for His children. God our heavenly Father makes no mistakes,

                                   Said the Robin to the Sparrow;
                                   ''I should really like to know
                                   Why these anxious human beings
                                    Rush about and worry so''

                                   Said the Sparrow to the Robin;
                                   ''Friend, I think that it must be
                                    That they have no Heavenly Father
                                    Such as cares for you and me''.
                                       [ Words,, E. Cheney]

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