verse of the day

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Peace. [ John 14 v 27 ]

Recently I became very anxious ,did not know what was going to happen in
relation to a certain thing. Yes I prayed but found it hard, but I still managed to pray, when I had finished praying I sat down to do my thought for the day, the anxiety left me, and I felt peace. I often think about the apostle Paul
and all the things he had to cope with, He understood that one can so easily
become anxious,so inspired by the Holy Spirit, he wrote the following, when he was in prison,

                                    Do not be anxious about anything,
                                    but in everything, by prayer and
                                    petition, with thanksgiving, present your
                                    requests to God. And the peace of God,
                                    which transcends all understanding,will
                                    guard your hearts and your minds in
                                    Christ Jesus.
                                              [Philippians 4 v 6-7 ]

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