verse of the day

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Wisdom. [ 2 Timothy 3 v15-16]

Paul Getty said the formula for success,rise hard,strike oil, such is the wisdom of this world,but in the Bible we read of wisdom,and how vital it is.Solomon was granted special wisdom by God[1 Kings 4v29],and in many ways he was a very wise person, but he did not always act in the most  wise manner.God will give us wisdom but there is no guarantee,that we will act with wisdom.There are two types of wisdom, the first one is described as ,earthly,sensual,demonic,self seeking, mean spirited,this wisdom was manifest by Hitler,Stalin,and ourselves.The other wisdom is described as from above,and is pure,peaceable,gentle,willing to yield,full of mercy,and good faith, without partiality,and without hypocrisy[ James 3 v 13-17]James reminds us that all we need to acquire the wisdom from above, is simply to ask and we will receive.Consider the words of James ,which is also the word of God [1 v5-6]/ If any of you lack wisdom,let him ask of God,/so that is the first thing we should do,ask and we shall receive,next he reminds us of the generosity of God,/who gives to all liberally,and without reproach,and it shall be given him/.The one stipulation is ,for all who seek God for wisdom, /Let him ask in faith/. The Christian life starts by faith, and continues by  faith, without faith nothing will happen, but with faith many things can happen. Do you want the wisdom that is from above? well it yours for the asking.
A   prayer...../Dear God grant us the wisdom from above in Jesus name Amen /

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