verse of the day

Thursday 13 March 2014

Like father like son. [Matthew 5 v 43-48 ].

When I get impatient with someone,or have been hurt,and feel tempted to complain,I am reminded by the Holy Spirit how much God,has to deal with.How much pain he observers,how much rejection He experiences,and so on.I know we are speaking about God,one can so easily think ,it is all right for Him,why do we think it comes easy for God,as He observes the rebelliousness of humanity.God is not unfeeling, Jesus wept over Jerusalem [ Luke 19 v41],we are told we can grieve the Holy Spirit [ Ephesians 4 v30].The point I am trying to make is this,inspite of all humanity does that's wrong,God is not finished with us,He keeps on loving,the word of God speaks of His longsuffering.It also challenges me to be more patient with my fellow human beings,if God in love puts up with so much,so must I,when people dont  thank God, He still blesses them,and so it is, we are to follow the principals of Gods kingdom,that is to love our enemies,to bless them that curse us,to do good to those who  hate us,and to pray for those who despitefully use us,and persecute us.Why?The answer is,that we may act as our Father in heaven acts,for He maketh the sun to rise on the evil and on the good,and sendeth rain,on the just and the unjust.[Matthew 5 v44-45]
A  prayer..../Dear God help us show at all times  ,that we are Your children in Jesus name Amen /

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