verse of the day

Saturday 8 March 2014

Lovest thou Me more than these[John 21v 1-16]

Let us consider the next person whom our Lord speaks to in Luke 9 v57-62, we read that Jesus speaks to the man ,and simple says ,follow Me. The man answers with what appears to be a very genuine answer,Lord yes he calls him Lord,but that's as far as he was prepared to go.Then he says ,permit me to first go and bury my father.As I said this appears to be a genuine request,but Jesus cut across it,with the following words,Let the dead bury their dead,but go thou and preach the kingdom of is W .Barclay who points out that in all probability the mans father was not dead,he may have been saying when my father dies I will follow you. Remember Jesus in challenging the man was not advocating an uncaring attitude towards his father,but rather to simply obey Him.In many places when one becomes a Christian,it means being cut off from ones family,there will be those today who will hear those challenging words from Jesus ,follow Me. We have to make a choice,we cannot continue to sit on the fence,no matter how seemingly legitimate are reasons appear to be.It is a matter of obedience and trust,and indeed it is a challenge as to  our love for Jesus,remember what Jesus said to Peter ,do you love me more than these?[John21 v15]
A  prayer....../ Dear God help us to love You ,with all our heart,soul, and mind in Jesus name Amen/

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