verse of the day

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Trust Him wholly.[ Job 13 v 15]

Let us continue on thinking about the words of Peter to the Christians who were suffering all kinds of trials[1 Peter 1 v6]. Now we may not be suffering persecution for our faith,but it does not exclude us from trials,of all different kinds,you may be in a difficult marriages,have a difficult child,a difficult job,with a difficult boss,difficult neighbours,you may be suffering from a painful ongoing illness,that you are going to die off, loneliness. These are just some of the trials we can be suffering from,they are more than 57 varieties,but no matter how many there be ,not one of Gods children are forgotten about. There is general statement that we can use to explain trials,and its this they go with the territory,the Bible speaks of those trials that are common to man.[ 1 Corinthians 10 v13].All mankind suffer from trials of one sort or another,some  may think because they have money, they are safe,but they are not.The difference between the non Christian and the Christian is,their Sovereign God is watching over them ,the hymn writer wrote,/Every joy or trial falleth from above,traced upon our  dial, by the Son of love,/but she did not stop there, she went on to write,/we may trust Him fully,all for us to do.They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true/
A  prayer...../ Dear God grant us the grace we need in all out trials,to trust You wholly,and as we do we will find You wholly true, in Jesus name Amen /

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